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Limits to the Number of Students per Lecturer

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The Ministry of Science and Higher Education is bringing in new rules for financing institutions of higher education, setting limits on the number of students each lecturer can have. If the lecturer to student ratio is significantly different from the laid-down optimum (1:11-13) this will result in a cut to the ministry grant received by the institution. The aim is to guarantee suitable conditions for learning.

Are News and Current Affairs Programmes on TV Objective?

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News and current affairs programmes on public service television (TVP) are generally seen as supportive of the government and the ruling party (64%), while programmes on TVN and TVN24 as supportive of the opposition (44%). However programmes on the Polsat and Polsat News channels are more often felt to be objective (46%).

Opinions about the Sort of EU Law and Justice Wants There to Be

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Law and Justice (PiS) is seen as a party working to slow down European integration rather than deepen it. In the opinion of the greatest part of respondents (32%) the ruling party aims to limit integration and increase the role of nation states within the European Union. One respondent in five (20%) thinks that the goal of PiS is to maintain the current level of integration. However, the view that the ruling party is moving towards Poland leaving the EU altogether is hardly rare, being expressed by 17% of respondents. One in eight (12%) discerns in what PiS does a desire for greater integration of member states, while not many (5%) think that PiS is aiming for a Europe of different speeds, where some states would cooperate more closely than others.

Is It Safe to Live in Poland?

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The year 2001 saw the lowest ratings since our research began of how safe it was to live in Poland: only 18% of Polish people thought they were living in a safe country, while 81% were of the opposite opinion. Since then there has been a long-term upward trend, discernable to this day. Since the beginning of the century the percentage of respondents who consider Poland to be a safe place to live has increased virtually five-fold, with a record value of 89% this year. Although it is not a uniform trend, with values dropping in 2012–2015, yet from a long-term perspective there has been a radical change in how safe Poland is seen to be. Currently, the sense of living in a safe country is close to universal.

20 Years of The CBOS Foundation (2)

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Over the twenty years that the CBOS Foundation has existed, Polish people have been called upon to vote many times:

20 Years of The CBOS Foundation

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Since 11 April 1997, when the Centre for Public Opinion Research special law came into force, CBOS has been functioning as a foundation.

Social Mood: Quarterly Summary

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Indicators of social mood used in our research include evaluations of and forecasts for Poland’s economy and politics, respondents’ workplaces and their own household finances. In order to express the full dynamic of changes in social mood, this quarterly summary is presented in the form of mean assessments on a five-point scale from -2 to +2.

The Constitution of Poland after Twenty Years

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On April 2nd twenty years will have passed since the National Assembly voted in the Constitution of Poland. To mark the occasion, respondents were asked their opinions concerning this fundamental law. Does it have a wider significance than purely legislative? Does it actually have a bearing on the lives of citizens?

Support for the 500 Plus Child Benefit Scheme Almost a Year after Its Introduction

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Almost a year ago the government introduced a monthly child benefit of 500 zloty for every second and subsequent child in a family, with first children in low-income families also included. Since that time, support for the programme has decreased slightly and is expressed less decisively. Even so, its approval rating remains very high (77%, with 20% disapproval).

The Public View of the Judiciary

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The functioning of the Polish judicial system is rated as bad by half (51%) of those asked, and one person in eight (12%) says that it is very bad. Just over a third of respondents (36%) expressed a positive opinion on this, with only a very few (2%) thinking that the judiciary works very well. It is worth noting, however, that when compared to the previous poll, there has been an improvement in how the work of the Polish judicial system is perceived. The number of respondents who are satisfied with this work has increased (from 28% to 36%), alongside a drop in those making a negative judgement (from 61% to 51%). Even so, current assessments of the judicial system are worse than those in 2007, when positive opinions slightly exceeded negative ones.

Yes to EU Reform, No to a Two-Speed Europe

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After the Versailles meeting of leaders from Germany, France, Italy and Spain, during which they spoke out in favour of a multi-speed Europe, but before the last EU summit in Brussels, where Donald Tusk was re-elected President of the European Council, we decided to check on Polish people’s expectations concerning the future of the European Union. The short telephone poll was entrusted to Kantar Public (formerly TNS).

Attitudes to the Territorial Army

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At the beginning of this year the Territorial Army Act came into effect, creating a Territorial Army to be one component of Poland’s armed forces, an addition and complement to the country’s existing defensive potential.

How Much People Know about the Anti-Communist Underground

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Over a half of Polish people (55%) have heard about the armed groups in post-war Poland, which struggled against the new, Soviet-imposed authorities. Six people in a hundred (6%) describe their knowledge of the subject as extensive, over a third (36%) say it is average, while approximately one in eight (13%) say it is poor. In this context the date of the 1st of March – National Cursed Soldiers Remembrance Day – appears to be barely recognised. Only one person in twenty (5%) seems to have heard of it.

Polish Opinions about the Reform of the Education System

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The parliamentary acts to reform the education system, which abolish middle (junior high) schools and change the national curriculum, were voted in by the Sejm in December and signed by the President in January, but continue to fuel controversy and anxiety in various quarters, not all of them political. Those Polish people who have heard about this reform are very divided as to the changes it will bring to education. One third of respondents (34%) are more hopeful than anxious about the reform and an almost equal percentage (31%) has mixed feelings in this respect, while over a quarter (27%) are more anxious than hopeful.

Should the Polish Government Support the Re-election of Donald Tusk as President of the European Council?

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Donald Tusk’s term of office as president of the European Council will be ending shortly. The former prime minister of Poland is prepared to continue in the role for another two and a half years. Over half of those asked (52%) were of the opinion that the Polish government should support his re-election.

Can Undemocratic Government Be Better than Democratic?

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Currently over a quarter of respondents (28%) agree with the statement that in certain situations undemocratic government is more desirable than democratic, while over a half (52%) is of the opposite opinion. A discernable rise in criticism of undemocratic political methods occurred after the last general election and was evident in last year’s opinion polls. Not only is the level of this criticism higher this year than in 2016, but it is also the highest recorded since 1992.

Poles Feel Better About Themselves

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The way Polish people feel about themselves has undergone a visible improvement since the beginning of the 1990s. There has been a significant rise in the percentage of respondents who frequently, or very frequently, experience positive emotions such as satisfaction that they have accomplished something in life, confidence that everything is going well, pride in their achievements and also a feeling of being interested or excited about something.

Would Early Elections Result in a Change of Government?

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During the protest in the lower chamber of parliament, the idea emerged of early elections to the Sejm and the Senate. If such elections were to take place, according to public opinion they would not lead to a change of government. Half of those asked believe that Law and Justice would stay at the helm, while just over a quarter (28%) think there would be a change.


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Happiness levels over the past two years have been at their highest since 1994, when Polish people were asked about their avowed happiness for the first time. At the end of 2016 just over three quarters of adults (76%) said they were happy with their lives as a whole, the same proportion as a year previously. The percentage of those who declared themselves to be moderately happy with their lives was also virtually unchanged (21%). There continued to be only a small group who expressed unhappiness with their lives in general (3%), and most of these actually said they were rather unhappy (2%). The biggest influence on how happy people felt about their lives was their perception of what the future held for them.

Social Mood: Annual Summary

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Indicators of social mood used in our research include evaluations of and forecasts for Poland’s economy and politics, respondents’ workplaces and their own household finances.

Party Political Preferences during the Parliamentary Crisis

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CBOS is obligated to monitor the mood of the public, so during this heated parliamentary crisis we decided entrust Kantar Public (formerly TNS) with a brief telephone poll.

Foreigners working in Poland

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Compared to the previous decade, there has been an increase in the number of people who know someone from abroad now living in Poland (from 26% in 2010 to 33% now). Most often these are Ukrainians (known by 17% of respondents now, 6% in 2010). There has also been a rise in the proportion of respondents who actually know someone who employs people from abroad (from 14% in 2010 to 26% now).

Attitudes to Flu Vaccination

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The flu season is in full swing. What do Polish people think about flu vaccination? What encourages them to get the flu jab and what puts them off?

Thirty-five Years since the Declaration of Martial Law

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After thirty-five years since the declaration of martial law (which lasted from December 1981 to July 1983), we can observe the beginnings of the institutionalisation of knowledge about that period and changes in sources of information. Although for most Poles their own experiences remain the main source of their knowledge, nevertheless clear differences between generations have emerged. Respondents who were children in 1981-1983 for the most part get their knowledge from family and friends, while those born after martial law rely to a much greater extent on information provided by schools. Only a quarter of the youngest age group (under 25) said that the accounts of people they knew were their main source of information. This shows that gradually martial law is changing from being something people learn about through the lens of individual experience and is starting to become part of the systematised knowledge of history. This also influences opinions about whether it was right to bring it in.

Attitudes towards CETA

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Polish attitudes to the recently-signed economic and trade agreement between the EU and Canada (CETA) are neither unambiguously positive nor negative. However, more people declare themselves to be in favour (42%) than opposed (31%). Many of the doubts concerning this trade deal with Canada are focused on the consequences for both producers and consumers of food. Unsurprisingly, the percentage of farmers opposed to CETA is higher than that in other socio-economic groups (48% opposed, compared to 28% in favour).

Polish Parents Invest in Their Children

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The issue of parents of school-age children paying for various educational and other extra-curricular activities is one that CBOS has been looking at since 1998. Up until now a large part of all parents did not send their children to participate in such activities. Currently, however, as many as 61% of those asked have declared that at least one of their children is attending extra-curricular, paid classes (in school or out of school) or will start in this school year. The rise in the percentage of families intending to pay for their children’s participation in such activities, in or out of school, is directly linked with an increase in the percentage of school-age children attending these classes, since a decided majority of parents who have decided to pay for their children’s extra-curricular activities intend to do this for all of their children (82% of this group, which amounts to 49% of all those with school-age children, compared to 40% in 2015-16). Most parents (39%, up 9 percentage points from last year) intend to send their children to paid sporting activities.

Polish People Are Proud of Their Identity

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When comparing Poles’ declared feelings about their national identity in 2010 and 2016, it can be seen that the percentage of those who frequently feel proud to be Polish has markedly risen (from 24% to 38%), while the percentage of those embarrassed by their nationality has remained fairly constant (since 2010 the number of those who frequently feel embarrassed has minimally increased, but at the same time so have the numbers of those who never or rarely feel this way). If the stated feelings of pride and embarrassment are taken together, it can be seen that over the period 2010-2016 there has been an increase in the number of Polish people feeling only pride in their national identity (from 62% to 70%) and in those feeling both pride and embarrassment (from 4% to 6%), while there has been a drop in the number for whom their national identity is neither a source of pride nor embarrassment (from 30% to 21%).

The US Presidential Election and Poland

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For outside observers this year’s presidential election in the USA is exceptional, if only for the fact that the candidates of both main parties are people who have been known for years, not only to American voters but to public opinion worldwide. Although only 36% of Poles say they are interested in this election, almost three-quarters (74%) think that the choice of the next president of the USA is important to Poland. Four years ago a majority of Poles also thought who sat in the Oval Office was important to our country, yet the importance of this year’s election is perceived by significantly more people. Now only 19% of those asked are of the view that the US presidential election is irrelevant to Poland, whereas in 2012 almost two-fifths (39%) expressed such an opinion.

Trust in the Internet on Medical Matters

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Although the majority of respondents have a lot of trust in their doctors, still virtually six out of ten Internet users (59%, or 40% of all respondents) say that they have been known to check their diagnosis and the doctor’s advice online or, after the appointment, have simply looked for additional information about methods of treatment, medicines prescribed or recommended operations.

A Healthy Lifestyle in Poland

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The perception that more and more Polish people are adopting a healthy lifestyle is growing systematically and significantly. Over the last four years the proportion of respondents able to discern signs of people taking responsibility for their health has risen by 13 percentage points, while there has been a more than three-fold jump (from 19% to 64%) since 1993. At the same time the proportion of those who think healthy lifestyles are uncommon in Poland has been diminishing (a drop of 35 percentage points since 1993).

Social Mood: Quarterly Summary

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Indicators of social mood used in our research include evaluations of and forecasts for Poland’s economy and politics, respondents’ workplaces and their own household finances. Quarterly findings are presented in the context of the three preceding months, so that patterns of change in mood can be discerned with greater clarity.

Should Sunday Trading Be Banned?

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The plan to ban Sunday trading has almost twice as many supporters (61%) as opponents (32%).

Prevention of Terrorist Attacks in Poland

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After the NATO summit and World Youth Day, both organised this year in Poland, there has been a significant change in perception of the competence of Polish authorities and government institutions to ensure safety. Previously a majority of citizens negatively assessed their ability to counter terrorist attacks; data collected successively since 2013 showed this majority to be between 55% and 63%. Currently, over two fifths of those asked (44% – an increase of 24 percentage points since April) believe that Polish authorities and government institutions are well prepared to counter terrorist attacks, while one third (33% – a drop of 30 points) is of the opposite opinion.

Organ Donation after Death and Family Opposition

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Polish law concerning organ donation after death is based on the principle of presumed consent. This means that all deceased people are potential donors unless they have previously put their names on a special register withdrawing consent for organ donation. In practice, however, doctors take the feelings of the deceased’s family into consideration. This means that if the family say they do not want organs to be donated, doctors will usually not go ahead with donation, even though there is no legal basis for this.

Do Polish People Waste Food?

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One in four people admit that in their household food has been thrown away within the last seven days. Figures show that people in top jobs and school or university students are more likely to throw food away than older people, especially those who think their financial situation is poor.

Health Care in Poland

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Based on what Polish people say, it appears that they particularly appreciate doctors’ competence and commitment, also the easy access to primary health care. On the other hand, they have most reservations concerning access to specialists and diagnostic tests.

World Youth Day 2016

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Polish people are of the opinion that the Catholic Church’s World Youth Day in Kraków will promote our country worldwide (88%) and add to Poland and Kraków’s prestige (84%). At the same time, a majority of people (69%) believe it carries the risk of a terrorist attack, even though the survey was carried out before the attack in Nice on 14 July. Just over a half of Poles (55%) think that the police and other services are well prepared to ensure the safety of participants of World Youth Day, while one in three (33%) has no opinion on this. Polish people are divided as to whether World Youth Day will create problems for the city of Kraków and its inhabitants and also on the question of whether it will serve to deepen Polish people’s religious faith. Many people are unable to say whether the event is badly organised or too expensive.

The Terrorist Threat Connected with Poland’s Engagement in the Fight Against ISIS

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A decided majority of Polish people (79%) are worried that Poland’s participation in action against so-called Islamic State could result in terrorist attacks by Muslim fundamentalists within the country. Fear of such attacks in connection with Poland’s engagement against ISIS is considerably higher than that noted in 2007-2008 in relation to Poland’s participation in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Methodology Note about Random Samples

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At CBOS we reach our conclusions about the population through the use of statistical methods, which allow us to evaluate in a representative manner such things as support for political parties. Making use of statistical methods means that we have to use random samples. Thanks to these we can both reach conclusions about the population and determine the scale of statistical error in our evaluations. For more about our methodology (in Polish only) please see the CBOS website, in the BADANIA tab.

Poles Are Pro-NATO

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Over the last seventeen years a decided majority of Polish people have been in favour of Poland belonging to NATO, but never have pro-NATO attitudes been as widespread among Poles as during the past two years. Currently 79% of those asked support our country’s membership of the North Atlantic Alliance, with as many as 44% being decided supporters. Only one in four Poles (4%) are against. Those who do not have an opinion on this matter are also in a decided minority (6%).

Poland’s Presence in the EU

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Poland’s membership of the European Union meets with the approval of the great majority of Poles (83%). This approval is more frequent than average in the 35‑44 age group, although, if taking into account only those who say they are decidedly in favour, the 45‑64 age group stands out in particular. The greatest level of opposition to our country’s presence in the EU – double the average – can be observed among the youngest respondents, those aged 18‑24.

How Poles Feel about Americans

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The 4th of July is Independence Day in the USA. To mark this occasion we present the attitudes of Polish people to Americans.

Social Mood: Quarterly Summary

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Indicators of social mood used in our research include evaluations of and forecasts for Poland’s economy and politics, respondents’ workplaces and their own household finances. Quarterly findings are presented in the context of the preceding months, so that patterns of change in mood can be discerned with greater clarity.

Polish-German Relations 25 Years After Signing the Treaty of Good Neighbourship

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There has been a significant worsening in people’s assessment of Polish-German relations. The current dominant perception among Poles is that relations are neither good nor bad, an opinion shared by 54% of those questioned. While in November 2015 almost half (48%) were of the opinion that relations with Germans were good, now only 29% think so.

Who Will Win UEFA Euro 2016?

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In the opinion of over a quarter of adult Poles, the Polish team at the men’s football European Championship is playing in the same group as the current world champions and the potential winners of the tournament in one, i.e. Germany. Nevertheless, the chances of Poland winning Euro 2016 are thought to be considerably higher than those of the remaining two teams in the group.

How Do People Think the Polish Team Will Do at UEFA Euro 2016?

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The Polish team will be playing in the football European Championship for the third time, having got through the qualifiers for only the second time, as in 2012 they automatically qualified as co-hosts. Before the start of the tournament most Polish people (55%) were sure that the team would get through the group stage to the knockout stage, while 6% even saw them in the Euro 2016 final.

The Political Scene Has Become More Representative

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The changes that occurred as a result of the last election, the appearance of new parties and political initiatives in particular, have caused Polish people to feel that the political scene has now become more representative. Currently just under a quarter (23%) of those entitled to vote in Poland cannot find any party or political movement to express their outlook, meet their needs or represent their interests. This is decidedly less than was noted in 2013 and 2014 under the previous quasi-two party political system (34% and 35% respectively).

Wireless Internet

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People in Poland regularly using the internet make up two-thirds (65%) of all adults. The vast majority (86% of them, or 56% of the total interviewed) go online via a wireless connection, using devices such as smartphones, tablets or laptops. Over the last few years this group has expanded rapidly: six years ago wireless users made up less than half of all those going online, but by 2012 this had risen to almost two-thirds, and two years ago it was over three-quarters.

Income Tax is Becoming Easier

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Poles are finding it easier to work out their income tax. Currently the majority (54%) of those who pay income tax by self assessment say that filling in their tax return (PIT) is easy, a quarter (24%) say it is hard and a fifth (22%) have no clear opinion on the subject. The percentage of people who find filling in their tax return difficult is the lowest since 1997.

Support for Poland’s Membership of the European Union

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There is a continuing high level of support for Poland’s membership of the European Union: for over two years the proportion of people in favour of the counrty being part of the community has not dropped below 80%. In April, 85% of respondents declared support for Poland’s continuing presence in the EU. Those against membership made up less than a tenth of those asked (9%).

New Audio-Visual Charge

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From next year the existing TV and radio licence fee is to be replaced by a new audio-visual charge. This would be compulsory for all households (with some exceptions), irrespective of whether they actually have a radio or a TV. The charge is to be added to the electricity bill, which will facilitate its collection. From the responses of those asked, it appears that one third (35%) of Poles are in favour of replacing the current TV and radio licence with an audio-visual charge, while six out of ten (60%) are against. Attitudes to introducing the audio-visual charge in place of the licence fee are currently a little less positive than three years ago, when people were first asked about the change.

Who Should Be Responsible for the Increase in Cost of Mortgages Taken out in Swiss Francs?

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Our latest survey looks at opinions concerning the situation of borrowers who have taken out mortgages in Swiss francs. The cost of these mortgages has risen as a result of an increase in value of the franc against the Polish zloty. Respondents were asked who should be responsible for this greater cost.

The 1050th Anniversary of the â€˜Baptism of Poland’

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April 14 is the date for the main celebrations of the 1050th anniversary of the beginning of the Christianisation of Poland, known as the Baptism of Poland. This is considered by Poles to be one of the key pre-1918 events in the history of the country (an opinion held by 70% of those asked). A clear majority of respondents, taking a historical perspective, sees Poland’s acceptance of Christianity as a positive influence on the development of Polish nationhood, religiousness, culture and international standing, with most frequent emphasis on the religious significance of the event.

Expectations of the New Subcommittee Investigating the 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 Crash at Smolensk Airport

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Most Poles do not expect that the activities of the subcommittee newly convened to investigate the 2010 Polish Air Force Tu-154 crash at Smolensk airport (‘the Smolensk air disaster’) will lead to any meaningful breakthrough in casting light on the causes of this tragedy. The most frequent view (28%) is that the work of the subcommittee will result in additions to the 2011 report of the Committee for Investigation of National Aviation Accidents under Jerzy Miller, but will not in any significant way change the conclusions contained in that report concerning the causes of the crash. Only 23% of those asked think that the subcommittee will find causes of the crash different from those contained in the 2011 report.

Opinions about When Abortions Should Be Allowed

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Opinions about the circumstances in which having an abortion should be allowed are generally in keeping with the current law on the subject. There is widespread agreement that a woman should be able to terminate her pregnancy if it endangers her life, puts her health at risk, or if the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest (80%, 71% and 73% respectively).

Social Mood: Quarterly Summary

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Indicators of social mood used in our research include evaluations of and forecasts for Poland’s economy and politics, respondents’ workplaces and their own household finances. Quarterly findings are presented in the context of the preceding months, so that patterns of change in mood can be discerned with greater clarity.


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Most Poles think of Easter as a family festival. For just under a half of those polled, it is primarily a religious experience, while more than two fifths see Easter as a nice tradition. There has been a noticeable increase in significance (7 percentage points) of the family aspect of this holiday since the last poll on the subject, in 2014.

How Far Should the State Intervene in the Economy?

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In our last survey we asked respondents about their prefered model of state intervention in the economy. Over half (55%) were of the opinion that the government should take an active part in the economy, while one in three (34%) thought that the less the government intervened, the better.

Opinions on the Functioning of the Constitutional Tribunal

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The conflict regarding the composition of the Constitutional Tribunal, which began last year, has had a negative impact on its image. Although public awareness of this institution has increased, the number of respondents who assess its activity as poor has risen significantly (by 16 percentage points, to 28%). At the same time there are fewer appreciative responses (a fall of 8 points, to 31%). These are the worst results for the Constitutional Tribunal since records began in 2002.

Attitudes towards Some Solutions of Socio-economic Policy of the Government

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Among some promised and recently implemented legislative solutions, the idea of free pharmaceutical drugs for seniors enjoys highest approval (94%). A large majority of respondents support the minimum hour wage for order contracts (82%), “Family 500 plus” programme (80%), the reduction of retirement age (80%), higher amount of tax-free income (75%). Opinions on bank and trade taxes are divided – implementing the first one has more supporters than opponents (46% to 34%), however, implementing a retail sales tax has the same number of opponents and supporters (42%).

Opinions on Launching of the EU's Procedures for Monitoring Rule of Law in Poland

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Opinions on legitimacy of initiating monitoring procedures for rule of law in Poland by the European Commission are divided – in fact, as many people claim the decision was justified as think it was unjustified. The motives of the EC’s actions are perceived as ambiguous, however, a belief that the EC’s decision was driven by a dislike towards Law and Justice (PiS) and was a result of a non-sufficient knowledge about the situation in Poland, is more common than a view that it was merely a result of a concern about law-and-order in Poland.

Social and Family Life

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Three fourths of Poles (75%, 5 more percent points than the last year) organised a party for their friends or acquaintances. Much more popular than the last year, and generally speaking the most popular in the history of our research, i.e. since 1987, were family outings to restaurants which is declared by six on ten interviewees (60%, an increase by 7 points in comparison to 2014), and a half (51%) indicate that it happened at least a few times. The proportion of those travelling with their relatives has not changed significantly (42%), however, it’s worth pointing that in 2015 and 2014 it was higher than in years 2006–2013.

Holiday in 2015 and plans for 2016

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In 2016, slightly less adult Poles spent at least two-day on out-of-home holiday than the year before (51%, a decrease by 2 percent points), however, it is still significantly more than in 2012-2013. Last year, as well as in previous years, the Poles most often relaxed within the country (43% of the total), and one fifth chose a holiday abroad.

Political Alienation

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In the two-month-period, the proportion of citizens declaring that they do not mind if the government is democratic or undemocratic significantly dropped and is at the lowest level since the beginning of our research on democracy. At the same time, the proportion of interviewees who care about the form of the government is the highest since 1992.

Sense of Influence on the Public Sphere

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Currently, the sense of influence on public affairs is the most common since 1992. Constantly, the sense of citizen subjectivity is more often expressed in regards to local matters (the sense of influence on a situation in their city/town/municipality is declared by over a half of interviewees – 56%) than national matters (the sense of influence on a situation in the country is declared by over two fifths of interviewees – 41%).

Poles’ Active Citizenship

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According to this year’s declarations, almost two thirds of adult Poles (63%) are not involved in any social organisation, e.g. an association, a union, a local government, a movement, a club or a foundation. About one in six interviewees (16%) admit that in their free time he/she participates in some collective activities in one of such organisations, one in twelve (8%) is involved in two organisations and one in eight (13%) in three or more. In comparison to an earlier measurement (i.e. 2012), the proportion of respondents involved in active citizenship increased by 5 percentage points and at present is the highest since 1998. In the last four years the proportion of interviewees involved in work in one or two organisations has not changed. However the number of those involved in at least three organisations increased (also by 5 percentage points).

Life satisfaction

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Over three fourths of the Poles (75,7%) are in general satisfied with their life, including one fourth who are very satisfied (25,1%). One in five interviewees describe their level of contentment as average (20,3%). Only 3,6% of interviewees declare dissatisfaction with their lives and the vast majority of them describe themselves as rather dissatisfied. Between December 2014 and December 2015 the number of very satisfied interviewees increased by 5 percentage points. It has been the highest proportion since 1994.

Social Moods Annual Review

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To investigate social moods CBOS uses such indicators as: an assessment of the current political and economic situation, forecasts for these aspects as well as opinions on the economic situation of respondents’ workplaces and the quality of living in their households.

Nothing Like a Carp at Christmas Eve Supper

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In the context of pre-Christmas preparations arises a question: Is there a dish without which the Poles cannot imagine their Christmas Eve supper? We asked about it in an open-ended question. Only one in ten interviewees did not tell us his/ her favourite dish from Christmas Eve supper. Definitely, the most popular at a Christmas Eve table are fish served on that day in various ways (49%), including a carp as a favourite dish of the largest number of interviewees (29%). About one in four Poles cannot imagine his/ her Christmas Eve without red borscht (23%) - especially the one with traditional tortellini (15%) – or dumplings (22%), in particular those filled with sauerkraut and wild mushrooms (10%).

Who Is Afraid of Losing Their Cultural Identity?

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As a part of cooperation between Polish, Slovak, Czech and Hungarian research centres, residents of the Visegrad Group countries were asked about their opinions on consequences of an increase in the number of immigrants. It appeared that an inflow of immigrants causes worries, e.g. over maintaining their own cultural distinctiveness. These worries are most common in the Czech Republic where three fourth of its residents believe that with an increase in immigration the Czechs may lose their culture. In Hungary and Slovakia about two thirds of interviewees share worries regarding threats for their culture (accordingly 65% and 68%). In Poland, the number of those who do not see a danger for cultural identity from immigrants overweighs the number of those who see such a danger (50% to 44%).

Should We Keep Producing Energy out of Hard Coal?

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Paris is holding the UN conference regarding climate change (COP 21). Its main aim is to reduce greenhouse gases’ emission (mainly CO2) and slow down global climate changes which require limiting dependence on fossil fuels, mostly coal.

In the Search of Higher Earnings

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One in ten interviewees (10%) declare willingness to work abroad (3% claim that they are looking for such work at the moment and 7% are going to search for it in the future). The willingness of the majority of them (56%) results from low earnings in Poland. It is not uncommon (15% of interviewees looking for a job abroad or planning to do so in the future) that it is an effect of problems with finding any employment. For some who are ready to look for a job abroad the most important are possibilities of exploring the world (12%) and gaining work experience in foreign companies (9%). Few of emigration-motivated interviewees are planning to join their relatives abroad (4%) or improve their language skills (1%).

50 Years after the Letter of Reconciliation of Polish Bishops to German Bishops

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50 years have passed since addressing „The Pastoral Letter of Polish Bishops to their German Brothers” which invited them for celebrations of the Millennium of Poland’s Christianisation. The document summarised centuries-old Polish-German relations and appealed for establishing an ongoing dialogue in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, most explicitly expressed in the words: “In this most Christian and at the same time very human spirit we stretch out our hands towards you sitting here on the benches of the ending Council and we grant forgiveness and ask for forgiveness.”

Attitudes towards Refugees – "Online" and "Offline"

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In October, CBOS in cooperation with Newspoint researched attitudes towards refugees. At the same time, a nationwide survey (CBOS) and a research of the Internet entries regarding refugees (Newspoint) were conducted. The comparison of results confirms more critical attitudes expressed on the net than in face-to-face conversations during our interviews. It should be emphasised that a profile of an Internet user differs from a profile of an average citizen. Internet users, and in particular those active on the net, are mostly young people. Moreover, the Internet encourages expressing extreme opinions. Therefore, attitudes of the Internet users should not be projected onto the whole society.

Support for Polish Membership in the EU

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Migration crises and controversies around mandatory quotas of migrants for relocation among EU countries have little effect on the Poles’ attitudes towards our membership in the EU. Although in September a decline in support for Polish membership in the EU was noted, in October it raised again. Being a part of the EU is supported by 86% of interviewees while 10% is against it.

After the Election

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According to the official results announced by the National Electoral Commission (PKW) the election was won by PiS – the Law and Justice (37,58%) ahead of: PO – the Civic Platform (24,09%), the Electoral Committee Kukiz’15 (8,81%), Nowoczesna – the Modern (7,60%), Zjednoczona Lewica (ZL) – the United Left (7,55%), PSL – the Polish People’s Party (5,13%), the Electoral Committee KORWiN (4,76%) and Partia Razem – the Together Party (3,62%).

Are Those Working on So-Called ‘Junk Contracts’ Willing to Change Their Form of Employment?

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In Poland except ‘regular employment’ workers are often employed on a basis of the specific work contracts and the mandatory contracts both informally called ‘junk contracts’. Difficult situation of employees working on such contracts and their lack of stable employment is often discussed. However, it appears that the majority of interviewees living off the specific work contracts and the mandatory contracts declare satisfaction with their form of employment (53%) and if they had a choice, as many as 59% would prefer to earn the same and keep the zero hour contract. About one third of those working on ‘junk contracts’ would prefer to change the form of employment even if it meant a decrease in pay.

Refugees or Immigrants?

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Among Poles there is a prevailing opinion that most of the newcomers from the Middle East and Africa are not refugees but labour immigrants (39%). About one fourth (27%) have an opposite opinion – they believe that these incomers are mostly refugees looking for shelter in Europe. Almost the same number (25%) assume that among the newcomers the number of refugees is as big as the number of labour immigrants.

Social Moods Quarterly Review

Kafelek tematyczny do publikacji
To investigate social moods CBOS uses such indicators as: an assessment of the current political and economic situation, forecasts for these aspects as well as opinions on the economic situation of respondents’ workplaces and the quality of living in their households. In order to illustrate the dynamism of changes, quarterly balances are presented against a background of the previous months.

What Is a Typical German Person Like?

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On the 3rd of October Germany celebrates the 25th anniversary of its reunification. Our annual research shows that for more than twenty years attitudes towards our Western neighbours have significantly improved. In one of our latest surveys we asked about the image of a typical German person. According to the Poles, the most distinctive characteristics of German people are their respect for order and discipline (including being: accurate, well-organized, disciplined, punctual, businesslike, respecting regulations and laws – together 27%). Characteristic for German people are also being: hardworking (14%), trustworthy – faithful, reliable, honest, solid (14%) and enterprising (12%). Other features were less often mentioned.

What Are Mobile Phones Used for?

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A half of the Poles (50%) use smartphones and a slightly higher proportion (56%) use classic mobile phones. Altogether mobile phones are used by 91% of adult Poles: two fifths (41%) use exclusively classic mobile phones, one third (35%) only smartphones and 15% both types of mobile phones.

Attitudes towards Refugees

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Poles’ attitudes towards refugees depend on their origin. Positive attitudes are expressed more commonly towards refugees from neighbouring Ukraine than incomers from outside Europe. A half of Poles (50%) think that we should admit Ukrainian refugees. About one in three (38%) support the idea of admitting refugees who arrived to Southern European countries.

Public Support for the Introduction of Single-Member Constituencies in the Elections for the Sejm

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Two weeks before the referendum, support for the introduction of single-member constituencies in the elections for the Lower House of the Parliament (the Sejm) dropped again. At the same time the number of opponents raised. A significant number of interviewees still have no opinion on that matter. However, the majority of those who plan to attend the referendum on the 6th September support the introduction of single-member constituencies (56% confident of taking part in the referendum and 50% of those declaring they will probably take part in it).

The 35th Anniversary of the Solidarity Trade Unions

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Nine in ten Poles (90%) think that the creation and activity of Solidarity trade unions in the period 1980-81 was an important event in Polish history and two thirds describe it as groundbreaking. Three quarters of interviewees (76%) say that this event was important for average Poles (almost a half – 46% – describe it as groundbreaking). Similar proportion of the Poles (75%) think that it was a significant event in the history of Eastern European countries. Two thirds of respondents (66%) are convinced about the significance of this event for the world.

Privacy in the Net

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The majority of internet users (80%) shared some personal information online. Two fifths (40%) shared it online only with selected users e.g. friends or specific companies, institutions. The same proportion (40%) published in the net some information about themselves available for everyone, without limiting access to them. What information about themselves did Polish internet users publish online?

Expectations towards Andrzej Duda’s Presidency

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On the 6th August Andrzej Duda was sworn in as the new president of the Republic of Poland. The public is largely convinced that he will be a better president than Bronis³aw Komorowski (almost a half of interviewees – 48% – is convinced of that). Only about one in five interviewees (22%) think that the assumption of the head of the state office by Andrzej Duda means a change for the worse.

Are the Poles Ready for A Political System Change?

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The majority of interviewees (72%) think that current political system in Poland requires many changes. Almost one third believe that the system is completely inadequate and requires fundamental changes. Only about one in five interviewees (23%) accept this system as good, however, the majority of them also notice a need for minor improvements.

What Is Necessary to Deem Somebody a Pole?

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Seeing the list of national identity potential determinants interviewees were asked which are necessary to deem somebody a Pole. Only 2% of interviewees were not able to point out any determinants. The most often chosen national identity indicator was self-identification i.e. identifying oneself as a Pole. The second most commonly chosen criteria was having Polish citizenship. Catholicism as a necessary determinant of being Polish was the least often chosen from the list of indicators.

Do the Poles Know What Is Going to Be Decided in the Forthcoming Referendum

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Despite a formal pre-referendum campaign, two months before the nationwide referendum, a half of adult Poles do not precisely know what will it refer to. Knowledge in this regard declare mostly those interested in politics and those with clear political views.

Social Moods Quarterly Review

Kafelek tematyczny do publikacji
To investigate social moods CBOS uses such indicators as: an assessment of the current political and economic situation, forecasts for these aspects as well as opinions on the economic situation of respondents’ workplaces and the quality of living in their households. In order to illustrate the dynamism of changes, quarterly balances are presented against a background of the previous months.

The Poles Still in Favour of In Vitro

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On Thursday (the 25th May) the parliament adopted the in vitro act. The issue of in vitro fertilisation clearly divided Polish Parliament, however, the public opinion on that matter has almost not changed for the last 20 years. Since 1995 about three quarters of adult Poles support the access to IVF for married couples who cannot have children. Only in 2003 and 2008 that support was smaller – accordingly 64% and 60%. Currently 76% of interviewees accept that procedure, which is slightly lower than in 2012 but still higher than five years ago. At present, 17% of interviewees is against the possibility of IVF treatment.

The Poles for Prolonging Economic Sanctions

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Situation in Ukraine is still very unstable and the Minsk Agreements, which in the West raised hopes for resolving Ukrainian crises, are not implemented fully. Economic sanctions imposed a year ago were about to expire at the end of July, however, on Monday (22nd June) they were prolonged. It satisfies the Poles among whom the belief that they should be uphold is very common (68%). Opposite opinion is shared by 11% of interviewees and 20% did not take a stand.

The Poles Sympathetic towards Refugees

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The World Refugee Day is celebrated on the 20th June. The vast majority of the Poles (72%) think that Poland should contribute in international help for refugees escaping wars and military conflicts. However, over a half (58%) believe that it should be a temporary aid (until they can safely return to their countries). Every seventh interviewee (14%) accepts granting them a permission to settle down in Poland. One in five (21%) thinks that Poland should not admit refugees affected by military conflicts.

Proposed Tax-Free Allowance

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For a long time an issue of raising the tax-free allowance has been appearing in a public debate. This amount hasn’t changed for several years. In February the parliament rejected a bill raising the tax-free allowance and making it dependent on minimum subsistence income. Proposition to raise this amount appeared in the last election campaign both from left-wing and right-wing parties’ candidates. What is an opinion of the Poles in that respect? What are their expectations regarding this value?

How Is Mother’s Day Celebrated in Poland

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Almost two thirds of Poles (73%) is going to celebrate Mother’s Day. Almost a half of them will send best wishes, one third is planning to give flowers and the other third is going to offer a gift to their mothers. The elderly usually claim they will visit their mother’s grave, pray for her and commemorate her.

Feeling No Influence on Country’s Affairs

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For many years there has been a persistent feeling that we cannot influence the situation in Poland. Although opinions on the subject have significantly improved, the influence rate still continues to be low. One fourth of interviewees (24%) formulate an opinion about a possibility to influence authorities. The result is relevantly worse (9 percent points) than in a survey conducted shortly before last year’s local elections and, at the same time, close to the one we noted in March 2014.

It Is Safe to Live in Poland

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In the last fifteen years opinion on safety in Poland has changed entirely. In the 1990’s vast majority of Poles was very critical on that matter, however, since 2001 proportion of the unsatisfied has been decreasing significantly and systematically. In 2007 the proportions switched. Currently two thirds of interviewees (66%) say that Poland is the country in which you can live safely while over a quarter (28%) oppose that opinion.
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