The Attitude of Poles Towards Other Nations
Author: Jonathan Scovil
Similarly to last year, the favourite nationality for Poles turned out to be Americans, with nearly two-thirds of respondents declaring their liking for them. Behind them in the ranking are Italians and our country's southern neighbours: Czechs and Slovaks. Most respondents also declared sympathy for the English and Lithuanians, and nearly half have positive feelings towards Finns, Hungarians and the French. Two-fifths of respondents declare sympathy for Georgians, Ukrainians and Germans, although in the case of the latter two nationalities there is a high percentages of declared dislike.
Further positions in the ranking are held by nationalities with similar sympathy and antipathy: Jews, Indians and Turks. The list ends with nationalities and ethnic groups that Poles dislike: Palestinians, Roma, Belarusians and Russians. It is also worth noting that Poles have exceptionally well-formed attitudes towards Russians - only one-ninth are indifferent towards them, while in case of the other nationalities and ethnic groups, one-fifth to one-fourth express indifference.
Attitude to other nationalities
Average values on the scale from -3 (max. antipathy) to +3 (max. sympathy)
Sudden changes in our attitude towards various nationalities related to the outbreak of the war in Ukraine were recorded a year ago are now less visible, or they have largely disappeared. Negative feelings to Hungarians, Germans, Belarusians, and even Russians, who are particularly disliked by Poles, have decreased. However, this year we have noticed the biggest change in the attitude of Poles towards Ukrainians - sympathy for them has clearly decreased, and antipathy has increased.
Over the last year, attitudes towards all neighbours have changed. With the exception of Ukrainians, in each case we are have noted an improvement, although it should be remembered how low the levels of sympathy for Russians and Belarusians was in the previous measurement. This year, Czechs have taken the lead among our favourite neighbours, although the Slovaks are close behind them. The third place is taken by Lithuanians, the fourth by Ukrainians, and the fifth by Germans, towards whom a year ago there was a lot of hostility. Invariably, Russians are the most disliked, but antipathy also prevails towards Belarusians.
Changes in attitudes to Poland's neighbours. Average values on the scale from -3 (max. antipathy) to +3 (max. sympathy)
More information about this topic can be found in CBOS report in Polish: “The Attitude of Poles Towards Other Nations", March 2024. Fieldwork dates for the sample: January 2024, N=1015. The random sample is representative for adult population of Poland.