Artificial Intelligence – Feelings, Tools and Medical Diagnosis
Authors: Edyta Umańska, Karolina Augustyniak-Brzezińska
The development of artificial intelligence (AI) arouses mixed feelings in Poles: almost as many respondents feel fear and anxiety (59%) as curiosity (58%). Almost half describe their feelings as distrust (49%) towards this emerging technology. More than a quarter feel hope (27%) that the evolution of AI will have a positive dimension and bring benefits to people. One-fifth feel helpless towards the new technology (20%), and almost one in six is indifferent towards it (18%). The least numerous group is composed of enthusiasts of the development of artificial intelligence (14%).
What do you primarily feel when you think about the development of artificial intelligence (AI)?
Answers from people who have encountered the term "artificial intelligence"
Answers from people who have encountered the term "artificial intelligence"
Percentages do not add up to 100 because respondents could indicate more than one feeling.
One of the applications of artificial intelligence that causes intense emotions is its use in self-driving vehicles. To examine the attitude of Poles towards this solution, we asked them whether they would be ready to travel in an autonomous, driverless car based on AI technology. The vast majority (69%) gave a negative answer. This result is consistent with the global trend, as studies from various countries show that the level of concern related to the safety and reliability of such vehicles is still high. Only slightly over a quarter of Poles (28%) declared their willingness to travel in an autonomous car.
Would you be willing to travel in an autonomous, driverless car?
Answers from people who have encountered the term "artificial intelligence"
Answers from people who have encountered the term "artificial intelligence"
Another controversial application of AI that is often discussed these days is its use in medical diagnosis of a patient, replacing a physician. As in the case of traveling in an autonomous car, over two-thirds of respondents (72%) declare that they would not like to undergo such a diagnosis. The percentage of people ready to take part in it is 24%.
Would you use artificial intelligence that replaces a physician and makes a medical diagnosis?
Answers from people who have encountered the term "artificial intelligence"
Answers from people who have encountered the term "artificial intelligence"
The greatest proportion of sceptics in this matter is among: women (80% versus 64% of men), young people aged 18–24 (81%) and 25–34 (74%), respondents with vocational education (80%) or primary education (78%), as well as respondents who assess their financial situation as average (76%).
More information about this topic can be found in CBOS report in Polish: “Artificial Intelligence – Feelings, Tools and Medical Diagnosis", October 2024. Fieldwork dates for the sample: June 2024, N=1055. The random sample is representative for adult population of Poland.