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Report no. 14/2025

Tourist Trips of Poles in 2024 and Plans for 2025

Author: Barbara Badora
In 2024, three-fifths of adult Poles (60%) went on at least a two-day holiday outside their place of permanent residence, which is almost the same as in 2023. This is one of the three highest results recorded since we started asking about this type of travel, i.e. since 2012. A similar percentage of respondents took this form of holiday in 2018.
In the past year, did you travel for pleasure or tourism for at least 2 days, with at least one overnight stay?
Figure 1. In the past year, did you travel for pleasure or tourism for at least 2 days, with at least one overnight stay?
In 2024, as before, Polish tourists most often spent their holidays exclusively in their own country (31%), but the share of such people among all respondents decreased significantly (a drop of 5 percentage points). On the other hand, the percentage of respondents traveling abroad increased significantly once again. Compared to 2023, the number of respondents who went on both domestic and foreign holidays increased by 2 points (16%), and the proportion of those who declared only foreign trips increased by 3 points (13%). In total, 29% of adult Poles spent at least one night on holiday abroad last year, which is the highest percentage since we began researching this issue in 2010.
Where did you go on holiday?*
Figure 2. Where did you go on holiday?
*In 2010–2011, the surveys were conducted before the end of the year, therefore the respondents' declarations concerned both the trips already made and those planned by the end of the year; Missing data were omitted
More information about this topic can be found in CBOS report in Polish: “Tourist Trips of Poles in 2024 and Plans for 2025", February 2025. Fieldwork dates for the sample: January 2025, N=972. The random sample is representative for adult population of Poland.