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Solid and Professional


Our surveys "Current Problems and Events" are carried out at least 12 times a year on a sample representative for adult Polish population, with N=1000.

CBOSNEWS Newsletter


How Soon Should Poland Be Climate Neutral?

In line with the policy initiatives of the European Green Deal, the European Union should be climate neutral by 2050. However, support for ...



Trust in Politicians in March


Opinions about Parliament and President in June




Social Moods in the Last Decade of May


CBOS conducts both quantitative and qualitative research, as well as projects combining both approaches. Since every project requires indivdual design of research tools, we adapt the methodology to the needs of each client.


MAY 2024

War in Ukraine and the ...
Public safety in Poland
Religiosity in recent decades
Attitude towards the European ...
We offer you the possibility of using the archival survey data collections from over 300 CBOS non-commercial surveys conducted between 1990 and 2017 years. The data have been transferred to the Polish Social Data Archives and are available free of charge after logging in on the Social Data Repository website.