- Attitude towards other nationalities
- Presidential elections
- Activities in 2024
- Holiday travel

- What should be the government's priorities?
- Emotional experiences
- Life satisfaction in 2024
- Neighbourly relations

- War in Ukraine
- Poland's EU Presidency
- Attitude to democracy
- Social inequalities

- Opinions on nuclear weapons
- Floods and droughts
- City life vs. country life
- Loneliness

- Ukrainians in Poland and the war in Ukraine
- Attitudes towards US presidential candidates
- Opinions on artificial intelligence
- Pathological content on the Internet

- The great flood
- Attitudes towards gays and lesbians
- Opinions about artificial intelligence
- Caring about health

- The attitude to the Warsaw Uprising after 80 years
- The situation on the Polish-Belarusian border
- How to improve the state of public finances?
- The attitude to civil partnerships

- The situation on the Polish-Belarusian border
- Energy policy
- Experience of mobbing
- Online voting

- War in Ukraine and the possible extension of the conflict
- Public safety in Poland
- Religiosity in recent decades
- Attitude towards the European Green Deal

- Attitude towards other nationalities
- Social expectations towards MEPs
- Social trust
- Financial situation of households

- 20 years of Poland's membership in the EU

- Perception of social conflicts
- Opinions about local government
- The ideal candidate for mayor or commune leader
- Views on the regulation of abortion

- First evaluations of the government of Donald Tusk
- Opinions about the relations between the government and the president
- Emotional experiences of Poles
- Satisfaction with life

- Opinions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Perception of influence on public affairs
- Politician of the year 2023 in Poland and in the world
- Subjective well-being of Poles in 2023

- The war in Ukraine and scenarios of its development
- Employment of foreigners in Poland
- The attitude to democracy and the assessment of its functioning
- Income and inflation expectations

- Electoral motivations
- The war in Ukraine and Polish-Ukrainian relations
- Opinions on the functioning of the healthcare system
- The perception of the media

- Opinions about the war in Ukraine and Ukrainians in Poland
- Summary evaluations of the activities of the government of Mateusz Morawiecki after four years in office
- Views on Polish-German relations and reparation claims
- Violence against children – opinions and experiences

- Discussions about politics
- Political divisions in Poland
- Will Poles participate in the referendum?
- Use of health services

- Polish-Ukrainian relations 80 years after the massacre in Volhynia
- Political moods before the autumn parliamentary elections
- Internet use
- Conversation topics in Poland

- Opinions about the grain crisis
- Views about Pope John Paul II
- Main sources of information
- Subjective safety and crime threat

- Attitude towards Ukrainian refugees
- Opinions on Poland's membership in the European Union
- Legal regulation of abortion
- Financial situation of households

- Attitude to nationalities one year after the outbreak of war
- Opinions about the role of the United States
- Attitudes towards the energy transformation
- Attitude to the development of wind energy

- War in Ukraine and the international reaction
- Inflation and public finances
- COVID-19 and flu: which is the bigger threat
- Activities and experiences of Poles in 2022

- 2022, a year marked by the war
- Polish opinions about the war in Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees
- Subjective well-being in 2022
- Reproductive plans of women

- Politicians of the year 2022
- Evaluation of the year 2022
- Long-term effects of COVID-19
- Opinions about education

- Opinions on the development of nuclear energy
- War in Ukraine and help for the refugees
- Perception of the opposition
- Composition of the opposition in parliamentary elections

- Opinions about the war in Ukraine
- Coping with inflation
- How to survive the energy crisis
- Raising children

- Opinions on reparations and Polish-German relations
- The war in Ukraine and attitude to Russians
- Energy crisis
- Housing situation and preferences regarding the place of residence

- Opinions on EU integration and policies
- Trust in foreign politicians
- Opinions about Ukrainian refugees
- Reproductive goals and the degree of their satisfaction

- Poles and the war in Ukraine
- Military service and national defence
- Social authority the Catholic Church
- Internet use in 2022

- Opinions about the war in Ukraine
- Perception of inflation
- Evaluation of household material living conditions
- Threat of coronavirus

- Opinions of Poles about support for the fight in Ukraine
- Scenarios of the development of the situation in Ukraine
- Ukrainian refugees in Poland
- Assessment of Joe Biden's visit to Poland and Polish-American relations

- Opinions about the Russian invasion of Ukraine
- Attitude towards NATO and the presence of allied troops in Poland

- Attitude to other nationalities
- Opinions on tax changes
- Public opinion on surveillance
- Holiday travel in 2021

- Annual balance of social moods
- Perception of inflation and anti-inflation policy of the government
- Subjective well-being in 2021
- Attitudes towards the presence of religion and the Church in public space
- The local parish, its perception and functions

- Public opinion on the crisis on the border with Belarus
- Corruption in Poland
- Satisfaction with work
- Depression in experiences and opinions

- Poland in the EU
- Party preferences
- Coping with inflation
- Religiousness of Poles

- Opinions about the dispute with the EU and membership in this organization
- Perception of Polish-German relations
- Strengths and weaknesses of public health service
- Attitude towards homosexual people

- Attitude to refugees and the situation of migrants at the border
- Use of health benefits and insurance
- Problems with water
- Reading books

- Media market in Poland
- Views of young Poles
- Internet use
- Use of second-hand goods

- Vaccinations against Covid-19
- Democracy in Poland
- Energy transformation: expectations and demands
- Attitude to nuclear energy

- Silesian uprisings in the collective memory
- Attitude towards vaccination against COVID-19
- Modernization of energy installations: needs and plans
- Evaluation of the financial situation of Poles after a year of the pandemic

- Attitude to other nationalities
- Family 500 plus program after 5 years of operation
- Party preferences in March
- How to deal with smog

- Event of the year 2020
- Parents' opinions about remote education of their children
- Political views of young people
- Holiday travel in 2020

- Annual balance of social moods
- Subjective well-being in 2020
- Activities and experiences of Poles in 2020
- Satisfaction with life

- Evaluation of the year 2020
- Conditionality of the EU budget
- How many coronasceptics are there in Poland?
- Models of family life

- Do Poles want to be vaccinated against COVID-19?
- Legality of abortion and the protests after the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal
- Social moods in November
- Evaluation of the major TV stations

- Opinions on the elections in the USA
- Coronavirus concerns and the assessment of government actions
- Professional situation of Poles during the coronavirus epidemic
- Summer tourism during the pandemic
- Opinions on changes in animal protection

- Opinions on the protests in Belarus
- Evaluation of validity of presidential elections
- President Andrzej Duda's second term in office: predictions and expectations
- September assessment the government policy on the epidemic
- Attitude towards the epidemic

- Opinions about democracy
- Motives of voting in presidential elections
- Medical care during the epidemic
- Use of medical services

- Evaluation of government activities during the epidemic
- Attitudes towards the coronavirus epidemic
- The epidemic and professional careers
- Religiosity of Poles in the last two decades
- Impact of the epidemic on religiosity

- Katyń massacre and evaluation of Polish-Russian relations
- 10 years after the Smoleńsk plane crash
- Social trust
- Material living conditions before the epidemic

- Attitude to other nationalities
- Perception of European Union and its institutions
- Willingness to cooperate
- Activity in civic organizations

- Perception of national security and attitude to NATO
- Opinions about changes in the judiciary
- Perception of location in the social structure
- Subjective well-being in 2019

- Auschwitz-Birkenau in the collective memory, 75 years after liberation
- Employment of foreigners in Poland
- Perception of social structure
- Satisfaction with life

- Evaluation of the year 2019
- Social reactions to the new government
- Attitudes towards Islam and Muslims
- Alcohol consumption

- Post-electoral balance of power of political forces in Poland
- Church and elections
- Employment abroad
- Hate speech

- Final evaluation of the government of Mateusz Morawiecki
- Trade unions: membership and evaluation of activities
- Violation of employee rights
- Attitude to death and funeral customs

- World War II in the collective memory of Poles
- Opinions about reprivatisation
- Attitude towards the government of Mateusz Morawiecki
- Support for the elderly

- Polish-American military cooperation
- Situation of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland
- Attitude towards homosexuality
- Cigarette smoking

- Assessment of systemic transformation
- Material living conditions
- Debts and savings
- Sex education in schools

- 15 years of Poland's membership in the European Union
- The state of Poland-USA relations
- Violence and conflicts at home
- Domestic violence against children

- 20 years of Poland's membership in NATO
- Opinions about the work of Polish Members of the European Parliament
- Opinions about budget deficit
- Acceptance of alternative models of family life
- Preferences for the family model

- Assessment of the Law and Justice (PiS) government after over three years in power
- Elections to the European Parliament
- Attitude to other nationalities
- Leisure time activities

- Annual balance of social moods
- Thirtieth anniversary of the Round Table negotiations
- Satisfaction with life
- Attitude towards divorce

- Poland in the European Union
- Assessment of local elections
- Confidence in the banking system
- Subjective well-being in 2018

- Attitude to climate change
- Is Law and Justice (PiS) leading Poland out of the EU?
- Work abroad
- Depression: experiences and opinions

- Opinions about the National Independence Day and the politics of memory
- The memory of Pope John Paul II
- Safety online
- Children and young people on the Internet in view of their guardians

- Men and women at home
- Men and women on the labour market
- Family history
- Attitudes towards animals

- Whose life is the hardest?
- Patriotism of Poles
- Local history
- Listening to music

- Perception of changes in the place of residence
- Use of medical services
- Evaluation of healthcare system
- Sexual harassment

- Opinions about democracy
- Evaluation of local government and its competences
- Engagement in the local community
- State policy towards families: evaluation and expectations

- Opinions about NATO
- Subjective security and threat of crime
- Attitude to income transparency
- Internet use

- 75th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
- Polish foreign policy: assessments and expectations
- Cooperation between local authorities and residents
- Material living conditions

- Subjective influence on public affairs
- Perception of the situation on the labour market
- Public image of autism
- Smog

- The amendment of the Institute of National Remembrance Act
- Local elections, are they seen as important and do people want to take part?
- Going on holiday in 2017
- Charitable donations and voluntary work in 2017

- Reactions to triggering of Article 7 of TEU against Poland
- Evaluation of Andrzej Duda's presidency in the middle of the term
- First evaluations of the government of Mateusz Morawiecki
- Subjective well-being in 2017

- Attitude to receiving refugees
- Disabled in the society
- Evaluations of the past year and forecasts for 2018
- Attitude to people of homosexual orientation

- Perception of Polish-German relations
- Opinions about war reparations
- Subjective vs. objective indicators of the state of the economy and material living conditions
- Social ties

- Economic role of the state
- Use of national and patriotic symbols
- Economic patriotism
- Opinions about access to firearms

- Financial situation of households
- Procreation plans of women
- Material goods in households
- Pilgrimages of Polish people

- Opinions about membership in the European Union in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary
- Opinions about presidential vetoes to changes in the judiciary
- Democratic principles and their fulfilment in Poland
- Opinions about mandatory vaccination of children

- Topics for a referendum
- Adult children living with parents
- Financing of public media
- Safety on the road

- Representativeness of the political scene
- Social perception of poverty
- Factors of professional success
- Use of mobile phones in cars

- Expectations from politicians related to migration crisis
- Perception of corruption in Poland
- Poland: a divided country
- Distance to media coverage

- Reactions to re-election of Donald Tusk as president of the European Council
- Opinions about security and crime threat
- Preferred model of the European Union
- Internet use

- Attitude to NATO and to the presence of allied forces in Poland
- Evaluation of the judiciary
- Opinions about the "Family 500+" programme one year after introduction
- Holiday travel in 2016

- Opinions about Donald Tusk, president of the European Council
- Attitude to other nationalities
- Polish anti-communist underground in collective memory
- Opinions about democracy

- Public perception of the parliamentary crisis
- Political party preferences in January
- Satisfaction with life
- Subjective well-being in 2016

- 35th anniversary of martial law
- Perception of globalization of the economy
- Employment of foreigners in Poland
- Employment of Poles abroad

- Public evaluation of the use of European funds
- Patriotism in Poland
- Online healthcare
- Non-prescription (OTC) medicines

- Opinions about presidential election in the USA
- Expectations about abortion law
- Opinions about lowering the retirement age
- Health and healthy behaviour

- Perception of threat of terrorism
- Attitude to receiving refugees
- Prohibition of trade on Sunday
- Holiday travel of schoolchildren

- Evaluation of economic situation and living conditions in Visegrad Group countries
- Use of medical services and health insurance
- Opinions about healthcare system
- Attitude to organ transplantation

- Polish reactions to the result of British EU referendum
- Attitude to NATO and to the presence of allied forces in Poland
- Attitude to Polish engagement in the global coalition against the so-called Islamic State
- Opinions about World Youth Day Kraków 2016

- Social reactions to the European Commission opinion on the rule of law in Poland
- Polish-German relations 25 years after signing the Treaty of Good Neighbourship
- Contacts between Poles and Germans
- Attitude to paying taxes

- Political party preferences in May
- Public image of Beata Szydło, Polish prime minister
- Surveillance on the internet
- Unemployment in 2016

- Attitude to other nationalities
- Public opinion about the Constitutional Tribunal crisis
- Attitude to migration crisis after Brussels attacks
- Legal availability of abortion

- Opinions about Lech Wałęsa
- Support for socio-economic government policy
- Reception of the Responsible Development Plan
- Evaluation of professional honesty and integrity

- Poland in the European Union
- Socio-political activity of Poles
- Trust in the public sphere
- Opinions about the "Family 500+" programme