Social Moods Quarterly Review

To investigate social moods the CBOS uses such indicators as: an assessment of current political and economic situation, forecasts for these aspects as well as opinions on economic situation of respondents’ workplaces and quality of living in their households.
Attitude towards Followers of Other Religions

Interviewees were asked to describe their attitude towards followers of other religions and non-believers using a scale called a thermometer showing values from +50 to –50 degrees. Value “0” meant ambivalent attitude or lack of opinion.
Time of Fasting and Reflection

For most of the Poles Lent is a special time during which they obey religious rules regarding that period. Fasting on Good Friday is kept by almost three fourth of the Poles. Interviewees very rarely admit that they organise parties during Lent. In general parties are avoided for religious reasons by the majority of respondents. Attachment to contemplative character of this period is still very common in Polish society.
Life after Death?

Regardless of common belief in God and widespread religious attitude towards Easter - the holiday celebrating the mystery of the Resurrection – only slightly more than one third of the Poles believe that after death, depending on our deeds, we will get to heaven, hell or purgatory. Few interviewees are sure that everyone will go to heaven. Quite frequently people believe that although death is not the end, afterlife is incomprehensible. Such an uncertainty is declared by a third of interviewees. One in fourteen interviewees are unsure if there is any form of existence after death and one in five think that death is the end and there is no afterlife. Other afterlife doctrines have few supporters.
Abortion Pill?

Over two fifths of interviewees (45%) think that using emergency contraceptive is a form of abortion. Slightly less proportion (40%) disagree with such an opinion and 15% have no opinion on that matter. Identification of taking “morning-after” pill with abortion is more common among women, people declaring involvement in religious practices, supporting right-wing ideology, less educated and living in smaller settlements.
Waiting for the Oscars

Academy Awards ceremony (Oscars) is close. Among the nominees for the awards there are Polish filmmakers and Polish film productions. In our latest survey we asked about the chances for Polish nominees. According to the interviewees, the highest chances for the statuette has an already-award-winning “Ida” directed by P. Pawlikowski. This film is nominated in two categories: for the best foreign language film and cinematography. Over two fifths of the respondents (43%) think that “Ida” will win in at least one of these categories. Much smaller proportion point out to documentary short subjects “Joanna” and “Our Curse” (7%) or Anna Biedrzycka-Sheppard for costume design in „Maleficent” (7%) as possible Oscar winners. Only one in ten interviewees (10%) doubt that Poland has any chances for winning Oscars and two fifths (40%) don’t know what are the Polish chances for the awards.
Renewable Energy – Energy of the Future

In the last survey trends in energy sector were researched. Over three forth of interviewees (77%) support increasing involvement in installation of systems enabling more common usage of renewable energy sources. Moreover renewable energy was assessed as the most prospective, safe and low-cost.
Holiday Trips in 2014 and Plans for This Year

Last year a record number of the Poles enjoyed recreational trips. For the first time the majority of interviewees declared that last year they went away for at least one two-day trip with overnight stay (53%, increase by 7 points in comparison to 2013).
Attitudes towards Neighbours

For over 20 years the CBOS has asked for the attitudes towards other nations, including Poland’s neighbours. And through this period the Poles’ favourite neighbours have been the Czechs and the Slovaks. The least-liked were the Russians, the Ukrainians and the Byelorussians. In the 1990’s and at the beginning of the present century the least liking and the highest aversion was declared towards the Ukrainians, however, since the Orange Revolution our attitude towards them has significantly improved. On the other hand, for the last couple of years and in particular the passing year our attitude towards the Russians has worsened and at present it is a nation towards which the highest proportion of the Poles declare aversion.
70 years from the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau

It has been 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp, which has become the symbol of genocide on unprecedented scale caused by Nazi Germans during World War II. According to two thirds of the Poles, memory about Auschwitz-Birkenau has a universal scope – it is important for every person. One in ten think that it is important for victims of concentration camps, or other people prosecuted during the war, and their families. Similar proportion of interviewees believe that it is important for elderly people who remember the war. Few interviewees emphasise its importance mostly for young people and post-war generations. Indications for particular nations are much more rare: six in a hundred pointed out the Poles as a nation for which remembrance of Auschwitz-Birkenau is of particular importance and three in a hundred pointed out the Jews.
Social Moods Annual Review

To investigate social moods the CBOS uses indicators such as: assessment of current political and economic situation, forecasts for these aspects as well as opinions on economic situation of respondents’ workplaces and quality of living in their households.
99% of the Poles Is Going to Celebrate the New Year’s Eve

Only 1% of the Poles is not used to celebrating New Year’s Eve. Where are we going to welcome Year 2015? The majority of interviewees (59%) is planning to spend the New Year’s Eve at home with the family. About one in five (16%) is going to celebrate it with friends at a house party and 7% at a ball in a restaurant. In mid-December 11% of the Poles still didn’t know how they were going to spend that day.
Opinion on Medical Errors

In one of the latest surveys we asked about medical errors. Nowadays interviewees more often than thirteen years ago declare that they were a victim of medical malpractice. One in four interviewees report that it happened to them that a doctor made a mistake when determining an ailment or a doctor recommended treatment which turned out to be erroneous. In 2001 such situations were mentioned by one in six respondents. In general, one in three interviewees said that he/she experienced malpractice in medical treatment. In 2001 such an opinion was expressed by one in four interviewees.
Poles’ Economic Migration

One in nine interviewees (11%) declare that after 1 May 2004 they worked abroad and one in a hundred (1%) that they still work outside Poland. For obvious reasons migrants who work and live abroad are not included.
Links to Local Parishes

Links to local parishes are still rather strong (declared by 66% of interviewees), however, since 2005 it has been systematically decreasing. At present it is the lowest since the beginning of the 1990’s (it has dropped by 13 points since 1994).
Opinion on Ewa Kopacz’s Cabinet

In the last weeks the reputation of Ewa Kopacz’s cabinet has improved which can be noticed in an increase of the identification with the current cabinet and satisfaction that she is the head of the government.
Opinion on Introduction of Euro in Poland

Plans for joining the Eurozone evoke negative emotions. The majority of adult Poles (68%) are against replacing Zloty with European currency. Euro adoption supports only 24% of interviewees. Since February 2013 the proportion of Euro adoption supporters has decreased by 5 points and at present is the lowest in the history of our surveys.
What Do Polish Children Do after School?

Children most often attend paid, extra-curricular activities.
Support for Other NATO Countries’ Soldiers Stationed in Poland

The majority of Poles (57%) think that other NATO countries’ soldiers should be stationed in Poland. Support for such a solution is currently the highest in the history of our surveys. Supporters of constant presence of allied armed forces have never before been more numerous than its opponents.
Attitudes towards Germans

On 3rd October Germany celebrates the 24th anniversary of reunification. On that occasion we would like to remind how the attitude of Poles towards Germans has changed in the last twenty years.
Social Moods Quarterly Review

To investigate social moods the CBOS uses such indicators as: an assessment of current political and economic situation, forecasts for these aspects as well as opinions on economic situation of respondents’ workplaces and quality of living in their households.
Professionalisation of the Polish Army and National Security

First years of a fully professional army in Poland have led to a decrease in support for such a solution. Although still the largest group (47%) thinks that an army should be fully professional, in comparison to 2008, we have noted a significant increase in support for keeping also a common, compulsory military service.
25th Anniversary of Tadeusz Mazowiecki’s Cabinet

A quarter century ago, 12 September 1989, the parliament accepted Tadeusz Mazowiecki cabinet. Formation of a government with the first non-communist Prime Minister raised high expectations. In September 1989, 82% of the Poles expressed their hope that situation in the country would improve. 25 years later Tadeusz Mazowiecki has been chosen the best Prime Minister of the Third Republic of Poland.
Poles’ BMI

Although the majority of adults think that their diet is balanced and healthy i.e. it consists of appropriate amount of nutrients, over a half is overweight or obese.
World War II 75th Anniversary

For the majority of the Poles (71%) World War II is still alive part of our history which should be remembered.
How Many Poles Are on a Diet?

Almost one in three Poles (30%) have been on some sort of a diet in the last twelve months. One in four (26%) have eliminated some products from their menu. The largest proportion of interviewees have resigned from sweets and sugar. The second most often avoided product has been fatty food, including meat.
Workplace Harassment

If we took into consideration only court statistics or information gathered by the National Labour Inspectorate, we would have to conclude that bullying at work is very rare in Poland. However, as it is agreed by the experts in the field, the registered cases are only the tip of the iceberg. In one of the latest surveys we asked about experiences of harassment in the workplace.
The 70th Anniversary of Warsaw Uprising

Although assessments of the events which took place in Warsaw between 1 August and 3 October 1944 are sometimes contradictory, the attitude of the Poles has become less ambiguous. According to three fifths of interviewees (61%) Warsaw Uprising was worthwhile. Nowadays such declarations are more frequent than 20 years ago (increase by 10 percentage points). One in five respondents agree with the opposite opinion (22%, decrease by 10 points). Still, significant number of the Poles (17%) isn’t able to assess Warsaw Uprising.
What Is Most Outrageous in Wiretapping Scandal?

Most of the Poles were outraged by wiretapped conversations of politicians and other public figures published by “Wprost” weekly. Only 3% of interviewees think that in revealed tapes there is nothing outrageous. The largest proportion (32%) is irritated by the fact that bills for expensive dishes and alcohol were covered by public institutions.
Administration in Healthcare More Technologically Advanced

Opinion on innovativeness in healthcare has improved recently. Currently almost half of the Poles (46%, increase by 14 points since 2012) think that public healthcare administration uses advanced technologies, e.g. the Internet. The opposite opinion is declared by one in four interviewees (27%, decrease by 24 points). Positive changes may be due to the introduction of electronic, nationwide Beneficiaries’ Eligibility Verification System (eWU¦).
Doctors’ Conscience

“Declaration of faith” signed by some doctors attracted attention of the media and stirred much controversies. The declaration has not been met with understanding of the society. Although a considerable proportion of the Poles (46%) is against abortion, over a half (52%) thinks that doctors should not be allowed to refuse to perform an abortion permitted by law.
The World Cup 2014

Although Polish team has not qualified for the FIFA World Cup currently taking place in Brazil, the majority of Poles (54%) is planning to watch matches and almost half of them (26%) is going to cross their finger for at least one of the teams taking part in that tournament.
The US and International Politics

In May, before the President Barack Obama visit in Poland, we asked the Poles about the role of the US in international politics. Present assessment of the USA influence on the situation in the world has been the best since 2006. The largest proportion of the Poles believe that on the whole the US has a positive influence on the world (37%). Over one forth of interviewees think its influence depends on the circumstances (28%) and 12% say that it is neither good nor bad.
The Poles about Polish-Russian Relations

Present assessment of Polish-Russian relations has been the worst in history of the CBOS research and comparable only to the results noted in December 2006. The vast majority of the Poles (65%) think that bilateral relations are bad, 27% describe them as neither good nor bad, and only 3% consider them as good.
Our Freedom... The Poles 25 Years after Transformation

13 May 2014 in Belweder Palace took place a debate entitled „Our freedom... The Poles 25 years after transformation”, which was organized by the President’s Office in the cooperation with CBOS. After the presentation of the research data social scientists and journalists discussed the issues about the ongoing changes. President Bronis³aw Komorowski and debaters pointed out the differences in the assessment of the last 25 years in Central and Eastern European countries.
Sense of Insecurity in Central and Eastern Europe in the Context of the Situation in Ukraine

The situation in Ukraine contributes to the sense of insecurity in Central and Eastern Europe. However, there are significant differences between various countries in the region. In Poland and Slovakia the majority of its residents believe that the situation in Ukraine is a threat for their country’s security (accordingly 61% and 57%). The opposite opinion share about one third of the Poles (33%) and the Slovaks (34%). About security of their countries are afraid also about half of the Czechs and the Hungarians (50% and 48%) but over two fifths does not see any threat (accordingly 44% and 45%).
The Poles about Pope Francis

A year after the resignation of Benedict XVI and the election of his successor, cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio who chose a name Francis, we asked about the situation of the Catholic Church. Opinion on the situation of the church in Poland, in Europe and in the world has improved since Benedict XVI’s ponticate. The Poles accept the new pope as a moral authority (83%), however the highest respect is still paid to John Paul II (92%).
Canonisation of John Paul II

Before the canonisation we asked Poles about the significance of this event. 98% of interviewees think that canonisation of the pope will be important for all Poles (80% say it will be very important). Common are also declarations that it will be important for respondents’ families and themselves personally (accordingly 89% and 88%, including 59% and 60% declaring that it will be very important). A slightly smaller number of interviewees believe that the canonisation will be important for Europe (35% believe it is a very important event and further 45% that it is rather important) and for the world (accordingly 34% and 42%). The significance of John Paul II’s canonisation from personal, national, European and wider perspective is higher than the significance assigned to his beatification in 2011.
Lenten and Easter Practices of the Poles

Before Easter we asked the Poles about their attitude towards various Lenten and Easter religious customs. The most often kept recommendation is fasting on Good Friday (83%). Seven out of ten respondents (70%) keep the custom of Easter confession and similar number (64%) participate in the rite of sprinkling head with ashes on Ash Wednesday. About half of the Poles, according to their declarations, take part in Lenten retreats and church celebrations of the Easter Triduum.
The Poles about Their Debts

Almost half of interviewees (45%) declare that their families have some debts, instalments, credits or loans to pay off. However the fact of being in debts is not necessarily a sign of financial problems. The poorest families are almost as often in debts as those describing their standard of living as good or very good (47% in comparison to 40%). The major difference is, however, in the burden of these debts for family budgets. About a quarter of poor families in debts declare problems with paying them off (14% among 47% poor households in debts). On the other hand among the most well-off respondents nobody mentioned any problems with managing their debts.
The Poles Strongly against 16-year-old Voters

For several years an argument for allowing 16-year-olds to vote has been appearing in a public debate. Supporters of that idea point out that such a change would facilitate participation of young people and help to represent interests of the youth.
Social Moods Quarterly Review

To investigate social moods the CBOS uses indicators such as: assessment of current political and economic situation, forecasts for these aspects as well as opinions on economic situation of respondents’ workplaces and quality of living in their households. In order to illustrate the dynamism of changes quarterly balances are presented against a background of the previous months.
The Poles Frightened of the Conflict in Ukraine

At the beginning of February, when anti-government protests in Ukraine exacerbated but before the bloodshed in Kiev, we asked the Poles about their opinion on the situation in that country. One third (30%) believed that Ukrainian crisis may endanger Poland. In March, after the Russian parliament’s approval of Putin’s request to use the Russian armed forces in Ukraine and Kiev’s loss of control over Crimea, proportion of interviewees afraid of Polish security doubled. At the moment almost three-fourths of the interviewees (72%) think that the situation in Ukraine is a threat for our security.
15 Years of Polish Membership in NATO

Since 12 March 1999 Poland has been a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). The vast majority of Poles believes that accession to NATO was an important event for Poland – over a quarter think that it was a turning point in our history and almost a half describe it as an important but not crucial event.
Election to the European Parliament

Interest in May European Parliament elections among the Poles is rather small, however, the results are close to those noted in the corresponding pre-election period five years ago. The proportion of interviewees not interested in the election is the highest observed.
Where Did We Travel for Leisure in 2013?

In 2013 about half of Poles (46%) had at least two-day holiday outside their place of residence. Similarly to the previous years most of them spent their holidays in the country (39% of all interviewees i.e. 85% of holidaymakers). About 15% of Poles had their holidays abroad i.e. one third of those who spent at least two days out of home. Similar results were noted for 2012.
Attitude towards Protests in Ukraine

Events in Ukraine are of public interest also in Poland. Development of the situation in this country is followed by two thirds of interviewees (65%). The Poles mostly sympathise with the protesting Ukrainians. The rest is almost always neutral and do not support any side. Only a few declare themselves as supporters of president Yanukovych.
The Poles Trust WOSP the Most

As every year the grand final of The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOSP) was accompanied by discussions over controversies around the activity of this organisation and its leader. In January survey, which was conducted during the 22nd Grand Final of WOSP, we asked the Poles about their attitudes towards Jerzy Owsiak’s foundation as well as other non-governmental organisations: Caritas and Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH).
Interest in the Sochi Olympics and Polish Chances for Medals

Almost three quarters of Poles (74%) are planning to watch TV coverage of the XXII Olympic Winter Games in Sochi. Even more (83%) expect that Polish sportsmen will bring medals. According to interviewees an almost certain candidate for a medal is Justyna Kowalczyk.
Regions of Poland

Over half of Poles believe that there are some regions where it is better to live in and some where it is worse. In social consciousness there is a clear distinction between regions which are better and those which are worse for residents. For most interviewees convinced of these differences Central Poland is a better place for its residents (57%). One in four (25%) thinks that it is the Southern Region and one in five (21%) points to the Northwestern one. 16% of interviewees expressing their opinion about better regions said it is the Northern Region and 12% that it is the Southwestern Region. Only few (3%) point to the Eastern Region.
Attitudes towards the Ukrainians

Since anti-government protests flared up, the possibility of Ukrainian rapprochement with the EU is getting smaller. Disappointed are also the Poles who supported the Eastern Partnership program aiming at Ukraine’s membership in the European community. In January, before the worsening situation in Ukraine, almost three fourth of Poles (73%) supported the accession of Ukraine into the EU. However, majority of supporters think that it is still an issue for distant future.
Annual Social Mood Review

To investigate social moods the CBOS uses indicators such as: assessment of current political and economic situation, forecasts for these aspects as well as opinions on economic situation of respondents’ workplaces and quality of living in their households.
Christmas 2013

Christmas trees and presents are the most important symbols of Christmas. Only one in fourteen interviewees (7%) declares that in his/her house there will be no Christmas tree this year. In Polish houses reign artificial Christmas trees (60%) but one in three interviewees (31%) declares that in his/her house there will be a real tree. Majority of them will be cut down trees (24%), only a quarter will be potted Christmas trees (7%).
The Poles – United or Divided?

Over two fifths of interviewees (41%) believe that among the Poles there is as many common matters as dividing matters. The rest much more often predicate that there is more that divides Poles (40%) rather than the opposite, i.e. that there is more that unites us (14%).
Post-Accession Labour Migration – Regional Differences

The recent Census has shown significant regional disparities in the scale of emigration from Poland. Our survey reveals regional differences in other aspects of that phenomenon. It shows that in the EU post-accession period a quarter of residents in the Eastern Poland worked abroad while in Central Poland only 1 in 17.
Why Do the Poles Resign from Flu Vaccines?

Only 7% of Poles admit that this autumn-winter period they got a flu jab. Another 6% is still going to vaccinate, however, the vast majority is not planning to do so.
Is It Time for a Change?

Only five in a hundred Poles (5%) is satisfied with present composition of the cabinet and think that it doesn’t need any changes. About a quarter (24%) would be content after small changes and an exchange of some ministers. A quarter (26%) think that major cabinet reshuffle is needed with a replacement of many cabinet’s members. Almost two fifths of Poles (37%) would like to see a change of the government.
The Poles about Burial Practices

A half of Poles (49%) accept cremation practices. Since 1994 permission for cremation has become more common (increase by 12%). In November 2012 proportion of interviewees accepting burial of funerary urns was higher than proportion of those who believed that deceased should be buried in a coffin (37%). At the same time proportion of interviewees not having an opinion on that issue increased by 6 points (to 14%).
Paid Extra-Curricular Activities

Every year many parents of school-age children decide to pay for various extra-curricular activities. This school year, as well as a year before, they account for about a half of interviewees having schoolchildren (46%). Decision of sending children for paid after-school activities is influenced primarily by their parents’ level of education.
Euro-enthusiastic Poles

In comparison to other Visegrad Group nationalities the Poles are the most enthusiastic in their assessment of effects of the membership in the European Union. Almost four fifths of CBOS respondents (78%) believe that Poland has gained from accession to the community. The majority of the Slovaks (60%) are also assured about beneficial effects of integration on their country. The smallest sources of euro-enthusiasm can be found in Hungary and Czech Republic. Only two fifths of their citizens (44% and 43%) think that benefits of integration overweigh losses.
Holidays of Children and Teenagers

This year in a little over a half of households (53%) schoolchildren were sent for at least one week leisure outside their place of residence during summer holidays. Over two fifths of families (43%) sent all their children for holidays and one in ten (10%) only some of them.
Social Moods Quarterly Review

To investigate social moods the CBOS uses indicators such as: assessment of current political and economic situation, forecasts for these aspects as well as opinions on economic situation of respondents’ workplaces and quality of living in their households. In order to illustrate the dynamism of changes quarterly balances are presented against a background of the previous months.
In-migrant and Native Rural Residents

In-migrant rural residents, i.e. people who live in the countryside but declare urban origin, account for about 8% of all rural residents.
Opinions on priest Lemanski case

Over a half of Poles think that priests, due to the character of the organisation they serve, should not express publicly their private opinion on other than religion-related topics. Even more (almost two-thirds) believe that it is inappropriate for priests to criticise their hierarchs in public. In priest Lemanski case, however, those who heard about the issue more often took priest Lemanski’s side (27%) rather than archbishop Hoser’s (8%). Twenty eight percent of these interviewees think that both sides are partly right. The highest percentage does not know how to assess this situation (37%).
Democracy in Poland and in the World

The majority of Poles (62%) appreciate democratic system and agree with the statement that it is superior to any other form of government. However, an opinion on the issue of ‘exporting’ the system is divided. Two fifths of interviewees (40%) think that democratic countries should aim to advance democracy into non-democratic countries. Slightly bigger group (43%) is against that idea.
Opinions on Proposed Changes in Pension System

Governmental proposals regarding OFE (Open Pension Funds) are met rather with critical than positive reactions. Two fifths of interviewees (40%) think that planned changes are going in the wrong direction and only one in eleven (9%) believes the opposite. About a half of all interviewees do not know how to assess the proposed changes (22%) or have not heard about them at all (29%).
Corruption in Poland

The vast majority of interviewees (83%) believe that corruption in public institutions is a serious problem, with 40% saying it is very serious. Only one in ten respondents (10%) thinks it is not a significant phenomenon.
Polish-Ukrainian relations and their “difficult” mutual history

Polish-Ukrainian mutual history is considered rather as a potential source of conflicts than a base for good neighbour relations. Over a half of respondents (54%) believes that past common experiences divide both nations. Only one in four (24%) thinks that history joins the Poles and the Ukrainians.
Higher education – only for the chosen ones?

Currently in Poland an opinion that everybody may undertake studies is prevalent. Almost four fifths of respondents (78%) regards higher education as an admass phenomenon, with almost a half (47%) strongly expressing their opinion. Opposite attitude is expressed by one fifth of interviewees (18%).
Social Moods Quarterly Review

To investigate social moods the CBOS uses indicators such as: assessment of current political and economic situation, forecasts for these aspects as well as opinions on economic situation of respondents’ workplaces and quality of living in their households. In order to illustrate the dynamism of changes quarterly balances are presented against a background of the previous months.
The Poles on the eve of the waste collection revolution

On 1 July the Poles will face the waste collection revolution. It will change the rules for all- those who had their waste collection contracts signed as well as those discarding their rubbish in an unlawful way. Just few weeks before the so called “waste collection act” becoming effective vast majority of Poles (96%) admits that they are well-informed about the changes of the rules regarding waste management. The majority (57%) knows also how much they will pay for their waste collection.
Poles are for a referendum on lowering the school age

In September 2014, according to the changes in the Act of Education six-year-olds (and not seven-year-olds as now) will compulsory start school education. The reform has been criticised by some groups. Organisers of the initiative „Ratuj Maluchy” (“Save the little ones”) collected almost a million signatures under the petition for holding a referendum on this issue. The Parliament will decide if a referendum is going to be held. The government is against it.
Shale gas – is it safe?

The opinion that shale gas is environmentally friendly has been reinforced in Polish society. At present over a half of adult Poles (51%) shares this opinion. It is an eight percent increase since 2011. On the other hand percentage of those who are afraid of its impact on human health has also increased (6% increase, 19% of all interviewees). There is still a significant group of people who are not able to assess if it is dangerous to extract this unconventional source of energy.
Buying and Selling on the Internet

Online shopping is on the increase in Poland. Three quarters of Internet users (75%, i.e. 45% of all interviewees) have ever bought something on the net, with two fifths (42%, i.e. 25% of all) buying something last month. At least one in four Internet users (27%) has sold something online at least once.
Opinions on Permission for Religious Slaughter

Recently there has been an ongoing debate on the issue of religious slaughter in Poland. Religious slaughter is a practice of slaughtering livestock in accordance with Muslim and Jewish religious laws which require killing animals without stunning.
There's no one like mother

The Mother's Day is celebrated in Poland on 26th May. On that occasion we asked Poles about their relationships with parents. For interviewees it was a sentimental journey in time. We did not ask about present relationships but about their childhood and teenage memories. Almost all of our interviewees (92%) keep a memory of a close relationship with their mothers, with half (51%) describing it as very close.