Attitudes towards the Ukrainians
Since anti-government protests flared up, the possibility of Ukrainian rapprochement with the EU is getting smaller. Disappointed are also the Poles who supported the Eastern Partnership program aiming at Ukraine’s membership in the European community. In January, before the worsening situation in Ukraine, almost three fourth of Poles (73%) supported the accession of Ukraine into the EU. However, majority of supporters think that it is still an issue for distant future.
Ukrainians’ pro-European aspirations were met with understanding and led to an improvement of attitudes towards them, regardless difficult historical relations. It was even more visible during the Orange Revolution. In the last twenty years proportion of the Poles expressing positive attitude towards the Ukrainians increased three times (from 12% to 34%) and those expressing negative emotions decreased by half (from 65% to 33%).
More on that issue can be found in the CBOS report in Polish: „Ukraine between Russia and the European Union”.
The data comes from the survey “Current Problems and Events” conducted in years 1993-2014.