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The Poles Frightened of the Conflict in Ukraine

At the beginning of February, when anti-government protests in Ukraine exacerbated but before the bloodshed in Kiev, we asked the Poles about their opinion on the situation in that country. One third (30%) believed that Ukrainian crisis may endanger Poland. In March, after the Russian parliament’s approval of Putin’s request to use the Russian armed forces in Ukraine and Kiev’s loss of control over Crimea, proportion of interviewees afraid of Polish security doubled. At the moment almost three-fourths of the interviewees (72%) think that the situation in Ukraine is a threat for our security.
More on that issue can be found in the CBOS report in Polish: ”The Poles about Situation in Ukraine during Crimean Crisis”.
The data comes from the survey “Current Problems and Events” conducted from 6 to 12 March 2014.
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