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Solid and Professional




How Far Should the State Intervene in the Economy?

In our last survey we asked respondents about their prefered model of state intervention in the economy. Over half (55%) were of the opinion that the government should take an active part in the economy, while one in three (34%) thought that the less the government intervened, the better.
Analysis shows that opinions on this subject are above all dependent on political preferences. Interestingly, government intervention in the economy was most frequently seen as desirable by those respondents who identified with the political right and least often by those who identified with the left. Potential voters for Law and Justice (PiS) were most frequently in favour of government taking an active part, while supporters of Modern (Nowoczesna) wanted the least intervention. There is a noteworthy difference between Civic Platform (PO) and Modern voters, with the former decidedly more in favour of government inervention than the latter (53% as against 36%).
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More on these issues can be found in the CBOS report in Polish.
The above data comes from the ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey of March 2016.
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