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The Poles Strongly against 16-year-old Voters

For several years an argument for allowing 16-year-olds to vote has been appearing in a public debate. Supporters of that idea point out that such a change would facilitate participation of young people and help to represent interests of the youth.
In March 2014 – as a result of cooperation of the CBOS and the Electoral Studies Centre of Miko³aj Kopernik University (UMK) – the Poles were asked about the idea of lowering voting age to 16. However, vast majority of interviewees (84%) is against such a change. It should be emphasised that over half of respondents (60%) is definitely against this proposal. It is supported only by 12% of interviewees.
Against lowering voting age to 16 are also the youngest interviewees (18–24-year-olds). Only 15% of them support this proposal.
The data comes from the survey “Current Problems and Events” conducted from 6 to 12 March 2014.
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