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Support for the 500 Plus Child Benefit Scheme Almost a Year after Its Introduction

Almost a year ago the government introduced a monthly child benefit of 500 zloty for every second and subsequent child in a family, with first children in low-income families also included. Since that time, support for the programme has decreased slightly and is expressed less decisively. Even so, its approval rating remains very high (77%, with 20% disapproval).
The introduction of the 500 Plus scheme has diametrically altered how state policy concerning the family is perceived. In earlier CBOS research, conducted between 1996 and 2013, what the state did for families was rated merely adequate or even inadequate. Currently over half of respondents assess the state’s family policy as good (52%, with one in ten saying it is very good).
Rysunek 1
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
The above data comes from ‘Current Events and Problems’ surveys carried out in 2016 and 2017.
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