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Fear of Crime

Somewhat over a third of people surveyed (35%) are worried about becoming victims of crime, with 4% being very anxious about this and 31% less so. Changes compared to last year are slight and within the limits of statistical error. Almost two thirds of Polish adults (64%, an increase of 3 percentage points on 2023) does not admit to this type of anxiety, and 17% maintain that in this respect they are not worried at all.
From April 1996, when CBOS first asked this question, up to April 2006 most respondents reported feeling some anxiety about possibly being the target of a crime. April 2007 was the first time CBOS noted a majority of those who said they did not have this worry. From that moment, despite variations in answers, respondents unworried about this issue have been in the majority, with a peak of 66% in April 2019. This year’s result is only a little lower.
Rysunek 1
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
The above data comes from ‘Current Events and Problems’ surveys carried out in the period 1996-2024.
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