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The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Seventy-five years ago an uprising broke out in the Warsaw ghetto. Virtually all Poles have heard about this event, although only one in nine (11%) knows the date it happened. Six respondents in every hundred (6%) do not know anything at all about it.
Two thirds (64%) of the people asked think that the memory of the Warsaw ghetto uprising is today important above all for Jews. Half (49%) say that it is of significance to Poles, and a third (32%) that it is important for the older generation. Not many (8%) consider the Warsaw ghetto uprising as an event currently only important for people whose lives are connected with Warsaw, and very few (4%) maintain that nobody nowadays is interested in it. Compared to the previous survey in 2013, there is considerably more emphasis on the meaning of this uprising for all Poles, and less on its meaning for Jews and for older generations.
Rysunek 1
The above data comes from ‘Current Events and Problems’ surveys carried out in March 2018.
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