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Our Freedom... The Poles 25 Years after Transformation

13 May 2014 in Belweder Palace took place a debate entitled „Our freedom... The Poles 25 years after transformation”, which was organized by the President’s Office in the cooperation with CBOS. After the presentation of the research data social scientists and journalists discussed the issues about the ongoing changes. President Bronis³aw Komorowski and debaters pointed out the differences in the assessment of the last 25 years in Central and Eastern European countries.
Interviewees in the Visegrád Group countries are most often convinced that the system was worth changing. However, while in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia the majority of residents support the transformation (accordingly 71%, 63% and 56%), in Hungary enthusiasts of changes account for less than a half of residents (48%).
The data comes from the surveys conducted in January and February 2014 by: CBOS, FOCUS, CVVM and TÁRKI.
More on that issue can be found in the report: 25 Years of Freedom – a Balance Sheet of Changes , “Opinions and Diagnoses” no 29.
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