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Is It Easy to Find a New Job?

In the May survey working people were asked whether they would find it easy or difficult to find a new job with similar pay to their current one. Almost the same percentage said it would be easy (47%) as said they were afraid it would be hard (46%).
This marks a very significant change from previous research, which found a clear predominance of pessimists. In the last two decades the percentage of working people questioned who said it would be easy to find work with rates of pay equivalent to what they already earned, varied from 16% (in 2011) to 25% (in 2014). Since the last survey the number of people sounding optimistic about this has virtually doubled.
This improvement is undoubtedly connected with the fall in the unemployment rate, noted both in CBOS research (see the April 2018 report) and in data compiled by the Central Statistical Office (GUS).
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
The above data comes from ‘Current Events and Problems’ surveys carried out in the period 1998–2018.
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