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Solid and Professional




The Poles on the eve of the waste collection revolution

On 1 July the Poles will face the waste collection revolution. It will change the rules for all- those who had their waste collection contracts signed as well as those discarding their rubbish in an unlawful way. Just few weeks before the so called “waste collection act” becoming effective vast majority of Poles (96%) admits that they are well-informed about the changes of the rules regarding waste management. The majority (57%) knows also how much they will pay for their waste collection.
In general the Poles are positive about main solutions of the amended waste collection act. One in five (21%) believes it is a very good solution and almost a half (47%) that it is rather good. Less than one in four oppose the changes with majority of them (16%) assessing them as rather bad and only one in fourteen (7%) as very bad.
The data comes from the survey “Current Issues and Problems” conducted from 9 to 15 May 2013.
More information about this topic can be found in CBOS report in Polish: “The Day before Waste Revolution”
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