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Attitudes to a Consultative Referendum on the Constitution

On the anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of 3 May 1791, President Andrzej Duda announced his intention to hold a consultative referendum on the direction of changes to Poland’s political system. The referendum result was to help in creating a new constitution.
Reactions were mixed to the president’s idea of holding a consultation on the constitution in the form of a referendum, but more frequently positive than critical. A half of all adult Poles was in favour of a referendum concerning the direction of changes to Poland’s political system, while two-fifths were against the organising of a referendum in this form.
The president’s idea had the support of declared Law and Justice voters (76%) and those of Kukiz’15 (66%), while Civic Platform voters were against (71%).
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
The above data comes from a ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey carried out 1–8 June 2017.
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