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Polish-German Relations 25 Years After Signing the Treaty of Good Neighbourship

There has been a significant worsening in people’s assessment of Polish-German relations. The current dominant perception among Poles is that relations are neither good nor bad, an opinion shared by 54% of those questioned. While in November 2015 almost half (48%) were of the opinion that relations with Germans were good, now only 29% think so.
Poles are not in favour of increasing German influence in Europe and the rest of the world. Almost three-quarters (73%) of those questioned were opposed to Germany playing a greater part than it does at present. This negative attitude to Germany becoming more important in Europe and the rest of the world is slightly more widespread now than in 2011.
Rysunek 1
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
The above data comes from the ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey.
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