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Experiences of side effects after Covid-19 vaccination

Respondents who had had the Covid-19 jab were asked if they had experienced any side effects. The most frequently volunteered symptom, mentioned by 14% of respondents who had had at least one dose of vaccine, was a rise in body temperature, or fever. The next most common side effect, volunteered by 13% of vaccinated respondents, was pain at the vaccination site or, more generally, in the arm. Other relatively frequently reported symptoms were aching muscles, joints or bones, and weakness or tiredness (each volunteered by 6% of those who had had the jab). The remaining side effects were mentioned less frequently.
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
These ‘Current Events and Problems’ surveys (372 and 373) were conducted using a mixed-mode procedure on a representative sample of named adult residents of Poland, randomly selected from the National Identity Number (PESEL) register.
Respondents independently selected one of the following methods:
– Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI);
– Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI), respondents receiving researchers’ telephone numbers in an introductory letter from CBOS;
– Computer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI), where respondents filled in the online questionnaire independently, gaining access by means of a login and password provided in an introductory letter from CBOS.
In all three cases the questionnaire had the same structure and comprised the same questions. The May survey was carried out between 6 – 16 May 2021 inclusive on a sample of 1163 people (54.8% using the CAPI method, 30% CATI and 15.2% CAWI). The June survey was carried out between 7 – 17 June 2021 inclusive on a sample of 1218 people (60.8% using the CAPI method, 26.7% CATI and 12.6% CAWI).
CBOS has been conducting statutory research using the above procedure since May 2020, stating in each case the percentage of personal, telephone and internet interviews.
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