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Unmarried People in Polish Families

Young people are getting married less frequently and later in life, a consequence of the possibility of finding fulfilment in alternative arrangements. Over half of those asked (57%, 2 percentage points more than in 2005) say that there are adults in their immediate families who have not got married. On average, there is one such person for every household in Poland; more frequently these are men (55%) than women (45%).
Two out of five (41%) unmarried adults are under the age of 25, while those in the 25-44 age group are more numerous (52%). Compared to 2005, there has been a drop in unmarried people aged 18-24 and a rise in those aged 25-44. The average age of an unmarried person in a Polish family is now 29. During the 2005 survey such a person was two years younger, with an average age of 27.
Rysunek 1
The above data comes from ‘Current Events and Problems’ surveys carried out in 2005 and 2017.
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