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Poles Are Pro-NATO

Over the last seventeen years a decided majority of Polish people have been in favour of Poland belonging to NATO, but never have pro-NATO attitudes been as widespread among Poles as during the past two years. Currently 79% of those asked support our country’s membership of the North Atlantic Alliance, with as many as 44% being decided supporters. Only one in four Poles (4%) are against. Those who do not have an opinion on this matter are also in a decided minority (6%).
Likewise, support for the stationing on Polish territory of troops belonging to other NATO member states is the highest since CBOS records began (65% in favour, 23% against). The percentage of those supporting the permanent presence of allied troops had first soared to outnumber the percentage against in September 2014, after Crimea and Sevastopol were annexed by the Russian Federation and after the armed conflict started in the east of Ukraine. Now this majority has increased further (a jump of 8 percentage points in supporters, coupled with a drop in opponents of 7 points).
Rysunek 1
The above data comes from the ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey.
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
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