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Solid and Professional




Professionalisation of the Polish Army and National Security

First years of a fully professional army in Poland have led to a decrease in support for such a solution. Although still the largest group (47%) thinks that an army should be fully professional, in comparison to 2008, we have noted a significant increase in support for keeping also a common, compulsory military service.
In comparison to 2008 and 2009 we have also noted an increase in proportion of the Poles who doubt that fully professional army secure national safety. At present only three in ten interviewees believe that resignation from compulsory military service and professionalisation of the army leads to higher national security while one in four think that it leads to lower safety.
Resignation from conscription and professionalisation of the army leads to lower proportion of adult Poles who have a military experience (drop from 39% in 1999 to 25% at present). It is worth noting that over a half of the interviewees who took part in a military training (52% of them) is at least 55 years old.
More on that issue can be found in the CBOS report in Polish: “On the Polish Army and the Preparation of Citizens for the Situation of Widespread Threat”
The data comes from the surveys “Current Problems and Events” conducted in years 1999–2014.
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