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Solid and Professional




Online Privacy

An overwhelming majority of internet users (80%) have made some personal data available online, with 44% restricting access to selected people, businesses or institutions, and 36% making their data available to all. The information shared most frequently includes email addresses, which over a half of internet users have made available online (56%, including 9% who made their addresses available to all), photographs showing the user’s face (55%, including 26% to all) and date of birth (51%, including 14% to all). Compared to 2015, fewer users now make available their home address, email, date of birth, location or marital (relationship) status, and fewer people are making the last two types of information freely available. Users are posting slightly more videos in which their faces are visible.
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
The above data comes from ‘Current Events and Problems’ surveys carried out in July 2015 and September 2018.
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