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Solid and Professional




How Effective Are Trade Unions?

People in Poland are much more likely to say that trade unions are ineffective rather than effective in their defence of workers’ interests (40% as against 27%). Moreover, decidedly negative assessments are much more frequent than decidedly positive ones (7% as against 1%).
Compared to 2017 there has been a very slight rise in the number of people who think that Polish trade unions are effective in protecting workers’ interests (3 percentage points) but the percentage of those who think they are ineffective has only dropped insignificantly (from 41% to 40%). It is worth noting that from 2017 there has been a marked increase in ‘hard to tell’ responses in comparison to earlier surveys.
Rysunek 1
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
The above data comes from ‘Current Events and Problems’ surveys carried out in the period 1999–2019.
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