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Opinion on Introduction of Euro in Poland

Plans for joining the Eurozone evoke negative emotions. The majority of adult Poles (68%) are against replacing Zloty with European currency. Euro adoption supports only 24% of interviewees. Since February 2013 the proportion of Euro adoption supporters has decreased by 5 points and at present is the lowest in the history of our surveys.
The prospect of Euro adoption causes rather concerns than hopes. In the last eighteen months concerns regarding that issue increased. According to interviewees, among the main effects of Euro adoption there are: price rises (64%), disadvantageous exchange rate between Zloty and Euro (42%), benefits for travelling abroad (35%), losing possibility of having independent monetary policy (27%).
More on that issue can be found in the CBOS report in Polish: “Increase of Concerns over Euro Introduction“.
The data comes from the surveys “Current Problems and Events” conducted in years 2002–2014.
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