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What Poles Think about Access to Firearms

Towards the end of September, the Sejm looked at legislation being proposed by MPs from the Kukiz’15 grouping, concerning guns and ammunition. According to the proponents, the aim was to simplify and standardise regulations, and limit the discretionary element in granting permits. Opponents argued that the proposed legislation would, in effect, amount to a liberalisation of legal access to firearms and would significantly limit state control in this area.
Taking advantage of the parliamentary debate, we asked Polish people about their thoughts on the issue. An overwhelming majority were of the opinion that access to firearms should be strictly limited. Only one person in ten was in favour of liberalising regulations at this time.
Those in favour of making it easier to possess firearms were decidedly more often men than women, younger people (under 35) and those who had direct contact with guns themselves or knew somebody who did.
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
The above data comes from the ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey of October 2017.
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