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Solid and Professional




Are Those Working on So-Called ‘Junk Contracts’ Willing to Change Their Form of Employment?

In Poland except ‘regular employment’ workers are often employed on a basis of the specific work contracts and the mandatory contracts both informally called ‘junk contracts’. Difficult situation of employees working on such contracts and their lack of stable employment is often discussed. However, it appears that the majority of interviewees living off the specific work contracts and the mandatory contracts declare satisfaction with their form of employment (53%) and if they had a choice, as many as 59% would prefer to earn the same and keep the zero hour contract. About one third of those working on ‘junk contracts’ would prefer to change the form of employment even if it meant a decrease in pay.
The willingness to change the form of employment is naturally related to the level of contentment with their current working situation. However even interviewees working on the specific work contracts and the mandatory contracts who are not satisfied with this form of employment also slightly more often declare a preference for keeping the present form of employment (44%) than changing it to the contract of employment but with a lower pay (41%). Less doubts have those who express satisfaction with their form of employment. The majority of them (74%) are not interested in having any contract of employment and wish to maintain their financial status quo.
More on this issue can be found in the CBOS report in Polish.
The data come from the surveys “Current Problems and Events” conducted in July, August and September 2015.
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