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How Did People in Poland Feel in 2018?

The most common feeling among Poles in 2018 has been pleasure that something specific has worked out, or life in general is being successful (61% felt this way often or very often in 2018). A group of virtually the same size (60%) were sure that everything was going well. Just over a half (52%) were frequently proud of their achievements, while one in two (50%) was often interested or excited by something. These positive feelings were more common in 2018 than negative ones.
How Polish people have been feeling in 2018 is not very different to how they felt a year earlier. It is worth noting the rise, however, in feelings of interest and excitement (by 6 percentage points) and of certainty that everything was going well (by 3 points). There has also been a rise, when comparing this year’s results to 2017, of people who felt neglected or ignored by those in power (by 3 percentage points).
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
The above data comes from a ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey carried out in the period 29 November – 9 December 2018.
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