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The US Presidential Election and Poland

For outside observers this year’s presidential election in the USA is exceptional, if only for the fact that the candidates of both main parties are people who have been known for years, not only to American voters but to public opinion worldwide. Although only 36% of Poles say they are interested in this election, almost three-quarters (74%) think that the choice of the next president of the USA is important to Poland. Four years ago a majority of Poles also thought who sat in the Oval Office was important to our country, yet the importance of this year’s election is perceived by significantly more people. Now only 19% of those asked are of the view that the US presidential election is irrelevant to Poland, whereas in 2012 almost two-fifths (39%) expressed such an opinion.
When Poles look from the point of view of Poland at the candidates of the two main parties in the US presidential election, decidedly more often they think that the better choice is the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, over Donald Trump, the Republican candidate.
Rysunek 1
More on this subject in the forthcoming CBOS report.
The above data comes from the ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey of October 2016.
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