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The Cost of Christmas

Most Polish people predict that their Christmas spending this year will be much the same as last year’s. The few who anticipate differences in this respect more often talk about limiting costs than increasing them.
About three quarters of respondents expect to spend the same as last year on Christmas decorations (76%) and on a tree (73%). Not quite one fifth (17% and 18%) plan to spend less than before on these things, while only a few (4% and 5%) intend to spend more. Most respondents (68%) also do not anticipate a change in their expenditure on food for Christmas. Only one in seven (14%) want to spend more than before on holiday fare while virtually the same number (15%) intend to make some savings on this. Cutting costs this year will most often affect presents. Over one fifth of respondents (22%) will spend less on them than last year, although one in eight (13%) will earmark more money for gifts than before, while three fifths (60%) do not anticipate any major changes in this part of their expenditure.
More on this subject in the CBOS report.
The above data comes from the ‘Current Events and Problems’ survey of December 2017.
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