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Party Political Preferences during the Parliamentary Crisis

CBOS is obligated to monitor the mood of the public, so during this heated parliamentary crisis we decided entrust Kantar Public (formerly TNS) with a brief telephone poll.
According to public opinion ‘everybody to some extent’ is responsible for the crisis, although Law and Justice bears somewhat more responsibility than the Opposition.
This has not, however, influenced the balance of power on the political scene in any significant way. If a parliamentary election were to be held in the near future, virtually a third of Polish people would vote (65%). Over one third (35%) would vote for Law and Justice, almost a fifth (19%) for Civic Platform and virtually the same proportion (18%) for Ryszard Petru’s .Modern. Kukiz’15 would get 9% of the votes.
Rysunek 1
Telephone poll carried out on behalf of CBOS by Kantar Public (formerly TNS), 20-22nd December 2016, on a quota sample of 1000 adult Poles.
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