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CBOS Flash no. 23/2024

The European Green Deal - What does it Mean to Poles?

Author: Marcin Głowacki
The European Green Deal is a package of regulations prepared by the European Commission to achieve climate neutrality in the EU by 2050. This program evokes negative associations among the majority of Poles (52%). Among other associations, the "neither positive nor negative" attitude (29%) is more common than unambiguously positive (14%). The vast majority of respondents (81%) are therefore at least sceptical about the idea of ​​the European Green Deal.
What are your associations with the European Green Deal?
Figure 1. What are your associations with the European Green Deal?
Positive associations with the European Green Deal are fostered by interest in politics. Among people who described their interest in this field as very large, this answer was given by 25% of the respondents. On the other hand, farmers are the most sceptical about the Green Deal (84% of negative associations). The left-wing worldview favours a positive (23%) and the right-wing worldview favours a negative (74%) attitude towards the European Green Deal.
We also asked respondents an open question about the associations they had with the European Green Deal. Characteristically, the largest group of people (24%) answered that they associated the Green Deal with agriculture. Statements from this group were often accompanied by the comment that the changes that will take place will be unfavourable for Polish farmers and even that they will lead to the collapse of this industry.
Secondly, with a significantly lower score, there were associations with the natural environment (14%), i.e. those relating to nature, protecting the environment or keeping it clean. They appeared more often among people with higher education, relatively high per capita income and those inclined towards a left-wing worldview.
Further associations were: something suspicious, bad, utopian (13%), restrictions, prohibitions and excessive interference of the European Union in our lives (12%), an increase in energy and food prices and a general deterioration of the economic situation (10%), protests of farmers, miners and representatives of other industries (8%), moving away from coal and fossil fuels (7%), and finally with hope and progress (6%).
More information about this topic can be found in CBOS Flash report in Polish: “Mental associations with the European Green Deal", June 2024. Fieldwork dates for the sample: May 2024, N=1000. The quota sample is representative for adult population of Poland.