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Solid and Professional


Report no. 52/2024

About mobbing - Poles‘ experiences

Author: Małgorzata Omyła-Rudzka
The vast majority of employees in Poland feel good in their workplace (85%), one-eighth say that they feel neither good nor bad (13%), and very few feel bad (1%). Over the last decade, these ratings have improved significantly. The number of respondents who feel good in their workplace has increased by 11 percentage points, the number of those who feel average decreased by 8 points and the proportion of the dissatisfied fell by 3 points.
How do you usually feel in your workplace?
Figure 1. How do you usually feel in your workplace?
Approximately one-eighth of employees in Poland (13%) claim that they have been harassed by their superior in the last five years, and only a few claim that it happened often (3%). Over the last decade, the percentage of employees experiencing harassment from their superiors has decreased slightly, from 17% to 13%.
In the last five years, have you been harassed at work by your manager, supervisor or boss?
Figure 2. In the last five years, have you been harassed at work by your manager, supervisor or boss?
We also asked our respondents whether in the last five years there had been situations in which they were forced to accept any conditions at work or do something that they considered unfair or inappropriate. Less than one-fifth of employees (17%) reported that such situations had occurred during that time, including 3% admitting that they were frequent. Over the last decade, the share of employees admitting that such situations have occurred has decreased slightly from 21% to 17%, while a larger, more visible positive change can be seen from a longer perspective spanning over twenty years: the proportion went down from 27% in 2002 to 17% currently.
In the last five years, have you ever been forced to accept any conditions at work or do something that you felt was unfair or inappropriate?
Figure 3. In the last five years, have you ever been forced to accept any conditions at work or do something that you felt was unfair or inappropriate?
We asked respondents who had been treated improperly in the last five years - either by their superiors or by co-workers - whether they had reported the matter. In case of multiple situations, we asked about the last one. The vast majority of those experiencing improper treatment did not report these cases (68%). The rest generally reported them at work, either in person to an appropriate committee or through a dedicated system (14% in total), while the cases were less frequently reported outside of the workplace (4%).
Please recall the last time you were treated inappropriately at work by your superiors or colleagues. Have you reported this matter?
Figure 4. Please recall the last time you were treated inappropriately at work by your superiors or colleagues. Have you reported this matter?
More information about this topic can be found in CBOS report in Polish: “About mobbing - Poles' experiences", June 2024. Fieldwork dates for the sample: April 2024, N=1079. The random sample is representative for adult population of Poland.